This Women’s Day, #ChooseYourFeed and #OwnIt like these women trailblazers on Twitter

This Women’s Day, #ChooseYourFeed and #OwnIt like these women trailblazers on Twitter

On Twitter, there’s a conversation for every woman, and every conversation belongs to women – be it on education, careers, business and finance, sports, beauty, self-care or NFTs. Women from all walks of life are building and inspiring diverse communities on the service by showcasing how to #OwnIt – whether it’s one’s story, aspirations, failures, successes, wealth, health or any other aspect of life.

This #InternationalWomensDay, as you take to Twitter to Tweet or follow updates about a topic of your interest, learn how you can personalise your experience. To #ChooseYourFeed as per the conversations you’re interested in, you can follow accounts as Twitter Lists. Lists enable you to put together your favourite Twitter accounts, which Tweet on a particular subject such as technology, sports or any other, and view Tweets from these accounts as a separate timeline. Here are a few women trailblazers you can follow if you are interested in: 


Women athletes continue to bring glory to sports – Badminton, Cricket, Golf, Hockey, Olympics, Paralympics and more – and from winning medals on field to ruling hearts on Twitter timelines, these ladies are winners in more ways than one.


Women on Twitter have been grabbing the stereotypes and myths by the neck through content and conversations that are informative, entertaining, and engaging. 

  • Dr. Trinetra Haldar (@TrinetraHG): One of Karnataka’s first transgender doctor, Trinetra is a champion for the LGBTQ+ community. She has been challenging the myths around ‘the third gender’ in the most educative and unfiltered ways.
  • Laxmi Narayan Tripathi (@imlaxminarayan): One of India’s first transgender activitists, Laxmi has been fighting against odds to counter the perception of the LGBTQ+ community in society.
  • Dr. Tanaya Narendra (@drcuterus): A gynaecologist by profession, Tanaya has been creating informative and adorable videos to spead awareness about sexual health, feminine hygiene, and the basics of the human body. 
  • Leeza Mangaldas (@leezamangaldas): One of the first Indian content creators to champion awareness around the intricacies of consensual and safe sex, Leeza has been helping women address, accept and overcome their inhibitions through open conversations on the subject.
  • Aditi Gupta (@AditiGP): Aditi Gupta is an author and the co-founder of Menstrupedia (@menstrupedia). She, along with her husband, started this journey by creating content via comic books to educate girls about menstruation, and that small venture has now grown into an education website of the same name.

Additionally, you can follow your favourite conversations through Twitter Topics such as Technology, Sports, Entrepreneurship, among others. Topics use machine learning to find Tweets related to a subject. When you choose to follow a Topic, you’ll see Tweets from a whole host of accounts that are experts, fans or just tend to talk about that thing a lot on Twitter.