DMI Finance Private Limited (“DMI”) today announced its partnership with Reliance Retail Limited

DMI Finance Private Limited (“DMI”) today announced its partnership with Reliance Retail Limited

Chennai, 1st November 2021:  DMI Finance Private Limited (“DMI”) today announced its partnership with Relia nce Retail Limited to provide a first-of-its-kind suite of digital finance options for Reliance Retail consumer elect ronics customers across India.

Through a completely paperless digital journey, DMI will offer financing solutions to Reliance Retail consumer ele ctronics customers at merchant locations across India. This partnership will kick-off with loans for the new ly-laun ched JioPhone Next by Reliance Retail.

This transformational partnership brings to all Reliance Retail customers an end-to-end paperless journey that will provide instant, flexible, and affordable EMI options. The loan tenor for the JioPhone Next will be 18 and 24 mont hs.

The spokesperson at DMI said: “In todays world, a smartphone is not just a consumer product, but a tool for fina ncial inclusion at large. We, at DMI, are proud to partner with Reliance Retail to provide financing for a range of con sumer electronics starting with the JioPhone Next, that will enable access to a digital life for hundreds of mil lions of Indians and bring them a step closer to realizing their dream of a more prosperous future.”

 About the DMI Group

 Founded in 2008 and supported by a deeply experienced team across 40 offices in India, DMI is a pan-India cred it platform with core businesses in digital consumer and MSME finance, housing finance, wholesale finance, and asset management. It is a technology-first lender with class-leading digital finance initiatives. It is supported by global institutional investors, strategic family offices, leading banks, and public market creditors in India. For mo re details, please visit