Livinguard technology proven to kill >99% of COVID Delta variant  

Livinguard technology proven to kill >99% of COVID Delta variant

  19th October, 2021 – Livinguard, the Swiss-based international leader in sustainable self-disinfecting hygiene technology, annou nced today that its technology has been proven to kill the delta variant of COVID-19. Tests carried out by the renowned IRSHA institute showed that the inner and outer layers of masks[1] supercharged with Livinguard technology have an average >99% effectiveness with no recovery of viable viruses against the delta variant of SARS COV-2.

These results come as positive news for the many geographies still battling with a Delta variant outbreak, and who will be able to rely on Livinguard facemasks’ capabilities for their population’s health and safety. It is expected that children, who have been particularly exposed to the delta variant, will benefit the most from this breakthrough. The confirmation of Livinguard technology’s effectiveness against the delta variant also comes in context of an expected rebound of the COVID pandemic in the winter season.

Livinguard also announced today that the effectiveness of its technology could be applied to other kinds of substrates. Such capabil ities come as a unique opportunity for the many industries, such as airlines, apparel companies, hospitality, healthcare, logistics or transportation. The technology offers an opportunity to help these industries to responsibly open their services with an additional layer of protection for their customers and workforce.

The data announced today add to the extensive body of evidence from researchers at the Free University Berlin and the University of Arizona proving that Livinguard technology can continuously destroy 99.9 percent of pathogens (microbes) such as viruses and bact eria, including influenza, Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, tuberculosis and E. Coli bacteria, staphylococci and salmonellae.

Speaking about the positive results received today, Sanjeev Swamy, Livinguard CEO, said “The news of our technology’s effectiveness against Delta is another evidence that Livinguard technology is future-proof and will emerge from the COVID pandemic as the hyg iene technology of choice for sustainable self-disinfection moving forward. As consumers continue to resort to masks for specific situations, we expect Livinguard masks to become consumers’ preferred, sustainable, self-disinfecting facemask.”

 About Livinguard AG:

 Livinguard is an environmentally friendly hygiene technology platform based in Cham (canton of Zug), Switzerland. The company empowers textiles and other materials with self-disinfecting properties; it licenses its patented technologies to companies from various industries to improve the health and wellbeing of consumers. Livinguard AG operates in Switzerland, Germany, USA, Singapore, Japan, India, and South Africa.

The ever-increasing levels of pollution, global travel, shared mobility, and the prevalence of drug resistant microbes have led to growing threats of infectious disease. The company sees its solutions as essential safeguards that can offer enhanced safety and better health to billions of people. Livinguard believes that our future is tied to sustainable solutions that treat our world kindly. The company’s commitment is to develop highly effective technologies that also minimize waste and use of resources. Livinguard views personal and planetary health as inseparable imperatives and the foundational base of everything that they do. Livinguard is a member of the World Economic Forum’s Innovators Community.

During the pandemic, Livinguard has donated tens of thousands of its reusable COVID-19-fighting masks to frontline workers and others across the globe, including in hard-hit India. In Singapore, the Temasek Foundation has distributed millions of free Livinguard masks to that country’s residents since the start of the pandemic. And, in the U.S., Livinguard has partnered with leaders in cities such as Huntington, Indiana to provide masks to frontline and other municipal workers, as well as residents.

The principle underlying the Livinguard technology is the deactivation of microbes, including bacteria and viruses. The technology applies a positive charge at the molecular level to textile surfaces, making them more powerful than the negative charge of microbes. Therefore, microbes are deactivated when they encounter textiles treated with Livinguard Technology. Textiles treated with Livinguard Technology have been proven to deactivate viruses by the University of Arizona, including SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) as per tests conducted by researchers at the Free University Berlin.

For information about Livinguard and its groundbreaking technologies, please visit

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