Syrma says ‘China Plus One’ strategy is the right way ahead for Manufacturers in India

Syrma says ‘China Plus One’ strategy is the right way ahead for Manufacturers in India

 Covid has impacted manufacturing sectors globally and it has become essential for major countries, especially India to diversify supply chains aiming to eliminate single source dependency.  India stands out as an attractive option for the ‘China Plus One’  because of  its strategic location, huge domestic potential, skilled labour & labour costs etc. Globally, the market size of EMS is around $ 6-7 trillion with China cornering 40% market share and India accounting for about 3-3.5%. It is now essential for the EMS sector to race ahead to be successful in the emerging opportunities.

Syrma Technology, a pioneer in Electronic Manufacturing offers comprehensive set of solutions to manufac tur ers across different sectors. The company’s core strength are product design, concept co-creation, bringing faster products to market and turning ideas into reality with best practices and state of art technology. While the general lead time to develop a new prototype is 10-12 weeks, Syrma with their developed division of Zone of Autonomous Creation (ZAC) is able to deliver it within 4-6 weeksAbout 85 per cent of Syrma’s revenue is contributed exports (mainly to US and Europe) by catering to global OEMs.

 Further to the above context, Dr Sreeram Srinivasan, CEO of Syrma Technology and an industry veteran with 36 years of experience would like to share his insights on:

  • Why manufacturers are looking at ‘China Plus One’ strategy globally and how it will be an added advantage for India. 
  • Reasons on global views shifting to India and what it means for manufacturers
  • Electronic manufacturing emerging as one of the strategic sector to adapt ‘china plus one’
  • Indian Market and geopolitical scenario,  the government initiatives and support provided to the sector
  • Syrma’s expertise in providing EMS/OEM support for IoT, smart devices, healthcare, and EV
  • Syrma’s core strength- How Syrma brings faster products to market and turn ideas into reality with best practices
  • Company’s growth plans in the near future & opportunities post-merger with SGS Tekniks

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About Syrma Technology

Syrma Technology, a Pioneer in Electronics Manufacturing Services is a part of Tandon group with over 40 years of expertise in the electronics manufacturing space. They provide global OEMs with electronic manufacturing services (EMS) backed by strong engineering expertise, to reduce risk and costs on product designs and manufacturing. From RFID technology and power electronics to turnkey manufacturing services and custom magnetics, Syrma delivers high-mix, flexible volume products for the automotive, computing, industrial, medical, power, and telecom companies.  Within the last decade, Syrma has helped to design, manufacture, and market more than 400 million products worldwide. With its presence in India and 12+ countries, Syrma has over 2500 employees and a network of 120+ vendors globally. Their growing clientele ranges from emerging startups to iconic Fortune 500 brands.