16-month old infant gets relief from ‘uncontrolled seizure attacks’ at MGM Healthcare Chennai

 16-month old infant gets relief from ‘uncontrolled seizure attacks’ at MGM Healthcare Chennai 

Chennai, July 15, 2021: MGM Healthcare, a multi-specialty quaternary care hospital in the heart of the Chennai, today announced that it had successfully performed a rare surgery to treat uncontrolled seizure attacks in a 16-month old infant. A 15-member team under the leadership of Dr. Sridhar K, Director and Group Head, Institute of Neurosciences & Spinal Disorders, MGM Healthcare successfully conducted this surgery on the patient on 9th April 2021.

Speaking about the case Dr. K Sridhar explained, “Master. Jai Prajith a 16-month old toddler from Chennai st ar ted having seizures from almost the time he was born and this problem only got worse within the next few mon ths.”

Dr. Arulmozhi, Consultant Pediatric Neurologist explaining the clinical condition of the child said, “The baby had a complicated birth history and developed severe asphyxia soon after. The child was admitted in the Neonatal I CU for 28 days and was on ventilation for 4 days. During that period he started getting episodes of seizures and by the time he turned 3 months, the infant experienced 40-50 jerks per day for which he was put on various me dications. He was administered upto 4 drugs but no improvement was observed.”

16month old infant gets relief from ‘uncontrolled seizure attacks’ at MGM Healthcare Chennai  (English Video)

He further said, “At the age of 1 year and 4 months the child was on 5 anti-epilepsy medication but he was still experiencing 40 plus attacks per day. When Seizures or Epileptic attacks do not come under control with med ications we must explore the possibility of a surgical solution. It is imperative to act quickly in children as their growing brain will be affected by continued seizures, which can result into poor development.”

16month old infant gets relief from ‘uncontrolled seizure attacks’ at MGM Healthcare Chennai (Tamil Video)

The child’s problem was discussed at the Institute of Neurosciences and Spinal Disorders. Dr. K Sridhar and his team evaluated the child to see if surgery could help the child. An MRI was initiated which showed that the ch ild’s brain was badly affected by the birth asphyxia.  The EEG workup showed multiple separate foci in the brain from where the seizures originated and spread to the entire brain.

Dr. K Sridhar, Director, Institute of Neurosciences and Spinal Disorders, MGM Healthcare said, “We discussed the problem and findings with the infant’ parents. We informed them that a surgery could be performed which would stop the spread of the seizures from one side to the other and therefore reduce the attacks. It was a dif ficult situation as the child’s brain was not properly developed and also had structural issues by birth. After mu ltiple sessions of discussion with us, the parents gave their consent for the surgery. The surgery – Anterior Corp us Callosotomy is a rare procedure to be performed on children so small. As this was the only option available to help the child, the surgery was performed. Anterior Corpus Callosotomy involves going between the 2 halves of the brain, delicately separating them and then dividing the connecting nerve fibres. This was done under high ma gnification and we had continuous recording of the EEG done during the surgery.”

He further added, “as the sectioning was completed the EEG showed reduction in the seizure spikes. It was an encouraging sign for us as it showed us that we were on the right track”.

Dr. V Ponniah, Associate Director, Institute of Neurosciences and Spinal Disorders, MGM Healthcare said, “An esthesia of infants like Jai Prajith undergoing major surgery like this is always a challenge. More important, after the surgery the baby has to be monitored in the Neuro ICU with utmost care.”

Dr Sridhar said “We are happy to inform you that Baby Jai Prajith has recovered well and the seizure attacks ha ve now completely stopped. His need for seizure drugs has also come down considerably. We are proud to say that we have been able to help this child and his parents, not only in the fact that he has become seizure free but also to give the family an opportunity to have a good quality of life.”

Speaking on their experience, Master Jai’s parents said, “We would like to thank Dr. K Sridhar and his team at MGM Healthcare for giving us the confidence to go through with the surgery and for relieving our son from the uncontrolled seizure attacks. We also thank Dr. Arulmozhi and Dr. Arasar, Pediatrician, for guiding us towards having the surgery. It was a testing period for us and we would like to extend our gratitude to the medical, nursi ng and administrative teams for their diligent service and care during these difficult times for us. We are happy that our son has started responding to us and with the stopping of the fits will have a good brain development.”

As of today, the child is free of seizures and is on a minimal dose of 2 drugs. He is responding better and has sta rted making eye contact with his mother which is a good sign. By controlling the attacks, the child has seen im provement in his cognitive abilities and a better quality of life for him as well as the parents. This way we are able to give the child’s brain the best possible chance of development and growth in the future.

About MGM Healthcare:

Born out of a need for altruism, MGM Healthcare is obsessed with bettering patient experiences and improving clinical outcomes through expertise, passion and technology. The manifestation of this dedication to superlative health-caring is a state-of-the-art hospital on Nelson Manickam Road having 400 beds, 50 out-patient consu lta tion rooms, over 100 critical care beds, 250+ Doctors, 12 Centers of excellence, 30+ Clinical Departments, 12 st ate-of-the-art Operating Theatres and 24 x 7 comprehensive Emergency Care. Here, a host of eminent su rgeons and physicians wield a potent combination of skill and cutting edge technology to elevate care and outcomes to new levels. MGM Healthcare is the first hospital in Asia with the highest rated USGBC LEED Platinum-certified Green Hospital.

Over the past year, the team of clinical experts at MGM Healthcare have performed many innovative and com plex surgeries in the pursuit of establishing trust and clinical excellence. MGM Healthcare designed and equi pp ed with the latest in technology and equipment is poised to drive patient centricity and clinical excellence of bo th the domestic and international patients.