U.S based The Analyst Agency enters into strategic alliance with its Indian partner Kreo Capital Pvt Ltd

U.S based The Analyst Agency enters into strategic alliance with its Indian partner Kreo Capital Pvt Ltd

  • Indo-US parternship to strengthen SME’s business expansion to US and Canada

 Mumbai 12th July 2021: U.S based The Analyst Agency is looking to further expand its portfolio in India in the co ming year. One way they are adding value to companies in India is by creating business growth services aimed at expanding their reach in new markets. The Analyst Agency has announced its joint venture with Nagpur based Kreo Capital Pvt Ltd which is a boutique multidisciplinary financial consulting company. The key outcome of this strategic tie-up, together they are combining to provide specific service like developing a custom industry rese arch report which will outline opportunities, competitors, financial projections, and customer acquisition plans for SME sector in select countries. SME’s contribute a mammoth share of around 45% to Indian Manufacturing sector and around 40% to Exports. With this alliance, both the companies will provide customized market rese arch, data analysis, back office processes, financial modeling for companies, and diverse marketing and lead ge neration consulting. This venture will look to help Indian companies build a bridge to expand their businesses into United States and Canada and vice versa.

The alliance is aimed at SME business sectors who are growth oriented and are looking for sound financial as we ll as market research advice to plan their strategies. With a unique consortium of experts consisting of Chartere d Accountants, Company Secretaries, MBAs along with qualified data analysts, business researchers, software developers, IT support, cyber analysts, and management consultants, they will create value added solutions whi ch will be tailor-made to suit the requirements of the various industries in all the 3 countries which will provide enormous cost savings and at the same time making the companies more efficient and improving their brand re cognition in new countries and markets.

“Kreo Capital is a SEBI Registered Category I Merchant Banker. Ap art from being active in the Indian Capital Markets, the company is also providing Outsourcing Services in the field of Financial Anal ysis and Research Arena. Kreo Capital has developed a niche pos ition amongst its clients for providing its best-in-class corporate advisory and research services in a timely and cost effective ma nner” shared Anish Buche Sr. Vice President Kreo Capital Pvt Limited.

He further added, “This Indo-US partnership will help Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) with their growth expansion in terms of business and international outreach. SME’s are the backbone of any economy and with their growth is synonymous with the growth of the economy. We are hopeful that our alliance will be able to help companies who are looking to breakout into the international market.

Steven Czyrny Founder of The Analyst Agency further added “The Analyst Agency is a full service global market research and business analysis firm and partnering with Kreo Capital will further allow us to develop specific fin ancial and due diligence advisory services to companies looking to expand into India and we can supplement th at by leveraging our custom market research and lead generation services to provide a full picture of how to pr oceed for Indian companies looking to expand into the US or Canada, and those in North America wanting to expand into India.”

About The Analyst Agency:

The Analyst Agency was founded in 2011 by Steven Czyrny, ares ear ch and business development professional who has direct expe rience managing projects for both startups and large corporations. Starting as a boutique di gital marketing agency, The Analyst Age ncy has grown to become an award winning, global research, market ing, and technology advisory services firm with locations in the United States, Canada, and India. In 2017, we approp riately rebranded as The Analyst Age ncy to reflect our full service business analysis, qualitative and quantitative research, and unique problem sol ving services. Companies contact us when they need actionable insights, busin ess process improvements, and digital transformation. In 2020, we were named a Top Consumer Research Com pany in Quirk’s Magazine and featured by Clutch.co and GoodFirms. Whether you want to start a business, acq uire new customers, or transf orm your operations, we can help.

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About Kreo Capital Pvt Ltd:

Kreo Capital is a boutique financial service company with Mid-Market focus offering integrated financial advice and services. Promoted by professionals with rich experience in financial and capital markets, Kreo Capital is a financial expert for all growth oriented companies. Our advice is built from a rigorous and up-to-date understan ding of the market, coupled with client’s financial vision.

Kreo has emerged as a knowledgeable and reliable partner for businesses through its financial advisory service offerings. Kreo has been regularly involved in advising clients on Financial, Corporate and Investment Structur ing, as well as Wealth Management. Kreo takes pride in the trust it enjoys from it.

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