The Educaton Division of the Taipei Economic & Cultural centre in India (TECC) signed MOU with Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education (KARE) Krishnankoil to set up the first Taiwan Education Centre .

This is a milestone for KARE in this region to work with Taiwan for Mandarin teaching to students and further ac ademic collaboration .

Ambassador Basuhuan Ger, Taiwan Embassy in India, witnessed the signing ceremony and said,” The joint colla bora tion would be a positive step in making the two countries mutually connected through the medium of edu cation . TECC ,New delhi and chennai offices will facilitate the academic exchanges between KARE and unive rsi ties of Taiwan. Currently there are 3,000 Indian students studying in leading universities in Tailwan.and expect this number will further increase in the near future.”

Vice President Dr Shashi Anand said, “Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education (KARE) has been serv ing the society for thirty-five long years and it caters to the needs of the students fro m all walks of the society. It is very important to have our inter na tionalization reach out of Taiwan in East Asia. We have Mandarin course for our students and will conduct student exchange progr ammes and more academic collaboration in the future.”

The Education Director, TECC, Peters Chen said, “as per the MOU, the Taiwanese teacher will conduct Mandarin classes for the stud ents and help students gain Mandarin language skills and information regarding studying in Tai wan, including av ailable scholarships, internships opportunities, and so on. TEC@Kalasalingam will create th e opportunities to th e students to KARE to learn Mandarin language, join internship programme and to further enhance their career development in Taiwan or at Taiwanese industries in India.”

Dr P.Sarasu, The director international and industries relation, KARE organized the MOU function well and gave both of thanks