Virtual discussion on Women’s Mental Health by W Square and Rotary Club

Virtual discussion on Women’s Mental Health by W Square and Rotary Club

Virtual discussion on Women’s Mental Health by W Square and Rotary Club

A 3 day program to discuss on the mental well being of women

 Chennai, 22nd June 2021:  WSquare and Rotary Club of Kilpauk will be hosting  #HerMindMatters, a 3 Day Su mmit on Mental Health & Wellness for Working Women, Entrepreneurs, Mothers, and Returnees. With 32 Wo men Leaders from across the globe, the event will help in redefining mental health for women.

 Women have developed a state of “perceived helplessness” during the pandemic with more than 27% of wom en describing the onset of deteriorating mental health balancing work, home, and health. #HerMindMatters is a curated, sensitive and focused 3 Day Virtual Program on Redefining Mental Health & Wellness for Women cat egorized into 3 segments namely:

Female Students (Final Year from Arts & Science | Engineering | MBA)

Working Women (Entrepreneurs & Corporate) 

Mothers (Returnees & Stay-at-home) 

”The 3 day Virtual Zoom Summit focuses on various topics like Women, Work and He al th,  job creations, being Ready for Work, Building resilience in the new Normal, and mu ch more. The panelists are women only speakers  who are influencers, industry experts and stalwarts in their area of expertise.’ says Vandhana Ramanathan, CEO WSquare Th is Free Program is curated to empathize with the current situation and help women ad apt to the ne w normal through motivation, mental well-being, and inspiration

Free Event registration link :

Event Schedule

  • 25th June- Working Women and Entreprenuers (4 pm to 7 pm)
  • 26th June- Mothers and Returnees (3 pmk -6pm)
  • 27th June- Girl Students (3 pm – 6 pm)

Further details contact : 8939337210/ 9790911907