IOB appoints Digital Consultant for the Bank.

IOB appoints Digital Consultant for the Bank.

Chennai, 22.04.2021: INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK (IOB), as part of its growth strategy, intends to transform its ba nking services into a DIGITALIZED FORM with an aim to increase its  DIGITAL SHARE in the market.Towards achieving this goal, the Bank hasappointedM/s. Ernst & Youngas its DIGITAL CONSULTANT.

The DIGITAL CONSULTANT, the Bank believes, would help the Ba nk to stay more focussed on leveraging and adopting newtechn olo gies and to enhancethe service quality and service delivery to its customers.  This initi ative would also help the Bank to accelerate DIGITALIZATION in all the areas of Banking  including its Assets and Liability products and services.

According to MD & CEO of IOB, Shri Partha Pratim Sengupta, with this new initiative, the Bank is poised to at tract Millennial custo m ers who are  techsavvy.Bank will now be confident of providing all customers a hassle free and seamless Banking experience.