On the occasion of World kidney Day, Kauvery Hospital one of the leading healthcare chains in Tamil Nadu,

On the occasion of World kidney Day, Kauvery Hospital one of the leading healthcare chains in Tamil Nadu,

Donors can lend  a new lease of life for patients suffering from Kidney Disease: Kauvery Hospital

Chennai, 12th March 2021: On the occasion of World kidney Day, Kauvery Hospital one of the leading healthc are chains in Tamil Nadu, hosted an awareness session for their patients and donors. There are numerous kidney dis eases ranging from urinary infections, to glomerulonephritis, kidney failure etc. It is estimated that about 10 to 15 % of the world population is affected by kidney diseases every year.

While this may be the scenario, managing with kidney disease becomes a  burden for the patient and their fam ilies. Performing everyday activities, travel, work etc becomes difficult to manage, and hence educating people on how to manage with kidney disease is important. ‘This year, the international theme by World Health Orga nization is ‘Living Well with Kidney Disease’, and we believe creating an awareness on kidney disease and coping with the same will help patients and families to overcome challenges they face on a daily basis,” says Dr R Bala subram ani yam, Chief Nephrologist, Kauvery Hospital Chennai.

Diabetes and hypertension are the most common causes of kidney diseases, contributing to 65 % of kidney failu res. Early identific ation and management prevents / retards the progression of kidney diseases here. In the early stages of kidney diseases, diet control , blood pressure and sugar control and supportive care are important. If kidney fai lure reaches the advanced stage, a dialysis  is needed.

People with advanced stages of kidney disease need to be reassured that their symptoms are managed effecti vely and the right treatment is given, with best clinical outcomes. “Alot of patients get demotivated physically and me ntally, thinking they are not able to do their chores without dependency, and sometimes they also feel the treatm ents are not giving them much benefit. However, educating them and the family members on und erstanding the symptoms, diagnosis and management , can help them in a long run, ” he adds.

Lifestyle management post a transplantation becomes essential. ” The pandemic did see a dip in transplantation, and even diagnosis owing to fear of contracting the virus. However, it is to be noted that symptoms should not be ignored, and timely diagnosis and treatment is required to live a comparatively problem free life. We celebr ated this day by interacting with few of our patients who fought this disease, by dialysis , peritoneal dialysis, and those undergoing kidney transplantation,” he adds.

Recurrent urinary infections,  glomerulonephritis,  obesity, self medications are other causes for Kidney failure.