153rd Meeting of State Level Banker’s Committee (SLBC), Karnataka held today

153rd Meeting of State Level Banker’s Committee (SLBC), Karnataka held today

 Chennai, 26th April 2021: The 153rd meeting of SLBC was held on 26.04.2021. The Executive Director of Canara Bank Ms. Manimekhalai welcomed Shri. P Ravikumar, Chief Secretary, Govt. of Karnataka, Smt. Vandita Sharma, Addl. Chief Secretary & Development Commissioner, GoK, Shri. Jose J Kattoor, Regional Director, Reserve Bank of India, Shri Niraj Kumar Verma, Chief General Manager, NABARD, other dignitaries, bankers and line department representatives for meeting.

Launching of ACP 2021-22:

 Annual credit plan was lauched by hon’ble Chief Secretary, GoK along with other degnitieries Viz., Smt. Vandita Sharma, ACS & DC, GoK, Shri. Jose J Kattoor, Regional Director, Reserve Bank of India, Shri Niraj Kumar Verma, Chief General Manager, NABARD.

SLBC convener Sri. Chandrashekara Rao detailed the State ACP target set for year 2021-22 as here below.

Total State ACP outlay has been increased from Rs.3,65,556 crores of 20-21 to Rs.4,96,371 crores i.e. increase of 35.78 %.

Total Priority Sector Credit works out to 2,92,391.90 Cr and the overall growth rate comes to 14.24 % over the previous year’s targets of 2,55,940.

Share of Agriculture Credit works out to 1,25,992.10 Cr., constituting 43.09 % of total priority Sector Credit.

Share of Crop Production Credit is 71,923.31 Cr forming 57.09 % of total Agriculture Credit.

The share of MSME is 1,11,826.96 Cr., Education Loan is 5,969.86Cr., Housing Loan is ₹30,164.89 Cr., & Other sectors 9498.22Cr. constituting 38.24%, 2.04 %, 10.31 %, 3.24 %, of total Priority sector, respectively.

Executive Director of Canara Bank Ms. Manimekhalai has delivered key note address wherein she touched upon important agenda items.

She has expressed that, COVID 19 which was for some time has back with new variant and country is in the verg e of one more uncertainty. As the country cannot afford one more lockdown we have to be more and more care ful, should take all precautionary measures and continue to observe all covid health protocols.

As the nascent economic recovery is being challenged by second wave of covid, there is an urgent on the part of all stake holders to put in concerted efforts for SURVIVAL & REVIVAL of economy.

Having provided the immediate relief to the vulnerable and affected segments, GOI has come out with many sc hemes to rebuild our economy at the earliest with the help of State Government, RBI and NABARD thro’ sche mes like Agriculture Infrastructure fund, Coverage of 10,000 FPOs, Formalization of Micro food processing En terprises (FME) with ODOP-One District One Product concept, PMSvanidhi and ECGLS -1, 2, 3.

Banks in the state, despite various issues, have made considerable progress in extending relief measures, as a result of which state ha s been in forefront in case of KCC-Dairy and Mudra sanctions with 1st rank and secured 5th position in case of PMSvanidhi scheme by crossing a milestone of more than one lakh disbursements amo unting Rs.105.15 crore.

PMAY-AHP scheme, as reviewed by Honorable Chief Minister, ne eds to be taken further forward where banks have already issued in-principle sanction letters / consent letters for1,01,618 dwelling units for ongoing & upcoming projects. In this regard I appreciate the untiring efforts of ACS & DC madam. Under PMAY-CLSS banks in the state have dis bursed 97,174 loans so far.

The state as a whole has achieved 80.62% of ACP under MSME, 77.97% under Agriculture and 102.27% under total credit at the end of the third quarter.

There is a Y-o-Y growth of 13.84% in deposits and 9.70% in advances as on Dec 2020.

Y-O-Y on Growth in PSA is at 10.74 % and for agriculture it is at an impressive 14.13%.

Meeting concluded with vote of thanks to all the participants.

About Canara Bank:

Widely known for customer centricity, Canara Bank was founded by Shri Ammembal Subba Rao Pai, a great visio nary and philanthropist, in July 1906, at Mangalore, then a small port town in Karnataka. Canara Bank is the fou rth-largest public sector bank in the country after its amalgamation with Syndicate Bank in April 2020. At prese nt, it is functioning with 10,498 Branches, and 13,023 ATMs throughout. The Bank has gone through various ph ases of its growth trajectory over the hundred years of its existence. The growth of Canara Bank was phenom enal, especially after nationalization in the year 1969, attaining the status of a national level player in terms of geographical reach and clientele segments. In June 2006, the Bank completed a century of operation in the Indi an banking industry. The eventful journey of the Bank has been characterized by several memorable milestones. Today, Canara Bank occupies a premier position in the comity of Indian banks.