IMTEX Connect 2021: Manufacturing and Machine Tool Show on the Digital Platform

IMTEX Connect 2021: Manufacturing and Machine Tool Show on the Digital Platform

Bengaluru, 6 January 2021: Business is bouncing back sharply following the coronavirus ind uced lockdowns and the prolonged economic slowdown. Buying sentiments have been stren gthened with encouraging orders and sales in recent months. Industries are transforming and becoming agile with optimization of resources and strategizing their business plans to become resilient. Aided by Government policies, industries are actively scouting for opportunities in newer segments.

Keeping in view the market conditions and changing dynamics in business, Indian Machine Tool Manufacturers’ Association (IMTMA) is organizing the first ‘IMTEX Connect’ on digital platf orm from 21-27 January 2021. IMTEX Connect 2021 will connect manufacturing technology providers and machine tool builders with user industries from various countries. The show will be a pre-cursor to IMTEX 2021 & Tooltech 2021 to be held at Bangalore International Exhib iti on Centre (BIEC) in June 2021.

Speaking about the potential of IMTEX Connect, Indradev Babu, President, IMTMA said, “With the economic measures extended by the Government of India to the manufacturing community, ind ustries are keen to adopt new-age technologies to keep pace with technological adv anc ements. IMTEX Connect will be a medium for user indu stries to digitally explore the tech nol ogies that would be on display at IMTEX 2021.”

Concurring with Mr. Indradev Babu’s views, V. Anbu, Director General & CEO, IMTMA-BIEC said, “IMTEX Connect will also be an opportunity for machine tool builders to focus on cham pion sectors such as automotive, aerospace and defence, electric and electronics, railways, medical, etc., which hold immense possibilities to drive growth in manufacturing.

IMTEX Connect 2021 will enable machine tool manufacturers from various countries to renew their connections with IMTEX visitors. The show will create opportunities for exhibitors and visitors across geographical regions to connect, network and join hands for mutual business benefits.

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IMTMA was formed in 1946 when 19 machine tool manufacturers joined hands to form an Ass ociation. In more than seven decades the association has over 450 members representing arou nd 90 per cent of the organized machine tool and allied equipment manufacturers in India. IMT MA is the apex body and single point of contact for the entire machine tool industry in India an d plays an important role in the development of metalworking industry. A not-for-profit asso ciation, IMTMA’s initiatives range from government advocacy to industry and export promo tion, trade fairs and events, training and seminars, technology missions, publication of various industry and technical writings, structuring of regional councils, and development of clusters.