Korean Film Review Competition Award Presentation Ceremony News Release & Images

Korean Film Review Competition Award Presentation Ceremony News Release & Images

Korean Film Review Competition Award Presentation Ceremony

 Indo Cine Appreciation Foundation (ICAF) in collaboration with the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Chennai recently conducted a Korean Movie Review Contest. We received about 34 entries.  

 After careful consideration, 6 prize winners who reviewed Pieta (2012), Parasite (2019), Montage (2013), Memories of Murder (2003), Tae Guk Gi: The Brotherhood of War(2004) and Kim Ji-young: Born 1982 (2019) were handpicked by an expert panel of professionals chaired by Mr. Jeyanthan, Film Critic from Hindu Tamil; Ms. Sukanya, Film Artist; Ms. Halitha, Film Director with admirable work in the media industry and Mr. E Thangaraj, Festival Director of Chennai International Film Festival. 

  1. Jai Sakthivel won the first prize for his review of the film Pieta. Srinivasa Santhanam and Anirudh Mishra won the second prize for their reviews of Montage and Memories of Murder respectively. 

Paul Boakye, Varun Raghu and Ajay Arun were tied at the third place for their reviews of the films Brotherhood of War, Parasite and Kim Ji-Young: Born 1982. We are happy to inform that our Vice President, Mr. B Ramakris hnan, gave away the prizes, certificates and mementos to 3 winners at our office. We shall be much obliged if you kindly arrange to give wide publicity about the same at your esteemed daily/social media, etc.

Kind Regards,

E Thangaraj,

General Secretary – Indo Cine Appreciation Foundation , Festival Director – Chennai International Film Festival