Keeping your pet safe during the shedding season!

Keeping your pet safe during the shedding season!

The pandemic has been a tough time for our furry friends. They have been unable to step out, take long walks and chase anything that interests them. All they have been doing is lounging and vying for your attention while you work from home.

What you may have noticed during this time is the amount of hair they shed, but from the past few days, you will see that your pet’s coat is getting even lighter. This could be a sign of pet shedding. It is a natural phenomenon that happens during a seasonal change. However, it is essential to maintain a safe and hygienic environment for them.

Jinal Shah, a pet parent of a Labrador says, “Shedding is a very common change that happens during this time of the year. As winter approaches, I see that my pet, Lucky has a full and thick coat of fur. But while he sheds, I get frustrated with the amount of hair that I have to clean on an everyday basis. I use a natural, Neem based floor cleaner like Nimyle that is safe for my pet.”

Here are a few tips that will ensure your pets remain protected during the shedding season:

  1. Brush ThemEvery day: We usually tend to ignore the basics like brushing our 4 legged friends everyday, especially when they are shedding. The best way to control the mess is by using a correct brush that is designed for removing dead hair. Invest in a suitable brush to keep the fur from falling all over the home
  2. Add Moisture to their Diet: A healthy diet plays a key role in maintaining the perfect balance of nutrients and vitamins in a dog’s body. While some pets might benefit from omega 3 fatty acids, there might also be some breeds who require additional supplements. Do consult your vet before giving them any supplements
  3. Use Chemical Free Floor Cleaners:As the pets skin is exposed to the floors, there are chances of contracting infections and allergies as the cleaners available in the market are filled with chemicals. In such cases, make the switch to 100% natural action floor cleaners such as Nimyle to ensure your pets safety

Trying these options will not just keep your pet groomed and healthy, but it is also the best opportunity to bond with your pet, as the world outside grapples with the ongoing pandemic.