Dr. Rela Institute & Medical Centre, GBR Fertility Centre and Hospitals and Hospitals and Mediscan collaborate to provide high-end Perinatal Centre

Dr. Rela Institute & Medical Centre, GBR Fertility Centre and Hospitals and Hospitals and Mediscan collaborate to provide high-end Perinatal Centre

Chennai, 9th September 2020:

In a major boost to the health sector in Chennai, Dr. Rela Institute & Medical Centre (RIMC) has signed a Memorandumof Understanding (MoU) with Mediscan, leading provider of fetal scan services (Mediscan) andGBR Fertility Centre and Hospitals (who manage the Institute of Reproductive Medicine at RIMC) to set up a state-of-the-art Perinatal Centre in Chennai. The centre will provide unique services like

  • Pre-implantation genetics,
  • High risk pregnancy,
  • Intrauterine fetal surgeries,
  • Fetal /anomaly scans,
  • Genetic counseling
  • Uterine transplantation,

similar to thehigh-end perinatalcentres in Europe and the United States.

“My vision is to provide specialised services with highest standards  to the  local community. This partnership wit h Mediscan systems and GBR fertility will not only provide outstanding clinical care by offering several unique services in the field of perinatal medicinebut also help in strong research collaboration,”said Prof. Mohamed R ela, Chairman and Managing Director at RIMC.

Dr S. Suresh. Director of Mediscan Systems said, “Advancement in Ultrasound Technology and our better unde rstanding of the developing fetus has provided us an opportunity to closely monitor the developing baby, early diagnosis and timely intervention has helped save many babies and has given the joy of parenthood to lot of fami lies. Mediscan perinatal diagnosis and fetal therapeutic Centre with over 37 yrs. of experience in Ultrasound and fetal medicine is proud to be associated with RIMC for providing evidence based fetal care, genetic and perinatal pathology. Our team will be working closely with the RIMC team to help optimize perinatal outcomes. My best wishes to all for establishing a comprehensive maternal & Fetal medicine service at RIMC” Chromepet”.

Sharing thoughts on this initiative, Dr Naresh Shanmugam, Direct or, Women & Children division, RIMC, said, “Perinatal Centre is relatively a new concept which deals in totality from pre-pregna ncy to post-delivery including newborn care under one roof. We have teamed up experts so that best care is available at every sta ges of motherhood.” He added, “This facility will provide service from normal pregnancy to high-risk pregnancy, maternity and newborns. Several unique procedures such as uterine transplants, fetal interventions for birth defectsetc. would be available under one roof”

Dr G Buvaneswari, Medical Director, GBR Fertility Centre And Hospitals says “Expectant mothers who have conceived through assisted reproductive techniques in simple words to say IVF & ICSI treatment and having underlying health issues like previous multiple miscarriages, genetic issues, high blood pressure, diabetes, ble eding disorders, thalassemia, etc. needs comprehensive care. We at GBR, provide advanced treatments like PGD, PGS, ERA etc., for our patients who come in advanced age and stage with multiple complications. We pro vide holistic care which includes best obstetrics care, fetal medicine, genetics and neo natal care. This partner ship paves way for an integrated multi-specialty perinatal care. I am incredibly happy and confident with this great team; we could provide complete care to any women who walks in to RIMC’.

About Dr. Rela Institute & Medical Centre

One of the largest multi-specialty hospitals in Chennai, RIMC — a unit of JR Super Specialty Hospitals Pvt. Ltd — works with a vision to provide outstanding clinical care with integrated and highly qualified medical professio nals under the able leadership of Prof. Mohamed Rela, Chairman and Managing Director at RIMC.Dr. Rela Instit ute & Medical Centre (RIMC) fosters and responds to the needs of diverse patients. It provides high-quality hea lth care with state-of-the-art infrastructure facilities and experienced, caring medical professionals. RIMC is designed to function as a multi-specialty care with a special focus on multi-organ transplantation and critically ill patients.Located in Chromepet, RIMC is a multi-specialty hospital in a sprawling landscape of 36 acres. The faci lity has 450 beds inclusive of 130 critical-care beds, 14 operating rooms and sophisticated reference laboratorie s and radiology services.