SEHAT distributes “Shastric Unani Medicine – Ayush Joshanda immunity boosting powder” to general public in Chennai

SEHAT distributes “Shastric Unani Medicine – Ayush Joshanda immunity boosting powder” to general public in Chennai

 Chennai, 10th August 2020:  Sehat Skin and Hair Clinic was founded in 1997 in with specific focus to treat Hair, Scalp and Skin problems.

Its main goal is providing holistic health service by helping people with these problems in a natural way, by utili zing all the ancient herbal remedies along with modern scientific methods of treatment. Shastric Unani Medicine awareness drive was held at Emsons Medical and Surgical in Chennai and distributed around 3000 cups of imm une boosting powder to the public in Chennai.The product is licensed from ministry of health and family welfare, New Delhi and Manufactured by Sehat Pharma, based in Chennai.

On the occasion, Dr.Talat Salim (Trichologist, Cosmetic Physician, Hijama Specialist, BUMS, L.T.T.S (London), PGD CC) said we were very much happy to be present in this awareness campaign.  She elaborated on Unani as a alte rnate medicine that is trustable, Effective and comparatively economical  – needless to mention that it is Natural and has no synthetic additives.The Immune boosting power distributed to all the public in Chennai to fight aga inst the pandemic COVID 19. It contains Ginger, Pepper, Cinnamon, and Tulsi  as the main ingredients. These Herbs and Spices are loaded with Immunity Boosting properties and protect from viral infections. 

SEHAT is a reputed manufacturer of Herbal Unani Medicine in Chennai under licence from the Ministry of He alth and Family Welfare – AYUSH. SEHAT also manufactures a wide range of products in the Unani Space incl Hair Vitalisers, Single Composition Drugs and many others.

Directions for Use – ½ tsp. (3gm of churanam/safoof) should be dissolved in 150ml of lukewarm water. Filter and drink twice daily.