A special honor has been conferred on music director D Imman as he gets appointed as ambassador

Music director D Imman as ambassador at Toronto’s Tamil chair for honorable Tamil language

A special honor has been conferred on music director D Imman as he gets appointed as ambassador at Toronto’s Tamil Chair for honorable Tamil language.

Music director D Imman says, “Acclaimed as world’s ancient language, Tamil has been more than a verbal com position as it encapsulates the way of living, tradition, and culture of humankind through its literature. Ennobled as ‘Mother of all languages’, it’s always a bliss and pride to be a Tamilian.

But what came as an unheralded surpri se is this special recognition. While our Tamil land is blessed with so ma ny eminent personalities, who have exhi bited the beautiful ethnicity of this language through various forms of arts, I was taken by incredible surprise when I was appointed as ambassador at Toronto’s Tamil chair for hono ra ble Tamil language. It’s a proud moment for Tamils across the globe for our mother tongue the Tamil language is endorsed at the University of Toronto, which is the number one university in Canada. I thank every member of the University of Toronto for gifting me with a prestigious emblem that furthermore enhances my devotion to wards my Tamil.”