65 English Movie Review

65 English Movie Review


Adam Driver  , Ariana Greenblatt  ,  Chloe Coleman  , Nika King  and others .



Directer  – Scott Beck * Bryan Woods , Writter  – Scott Beck * Bryan Woods , Producer’s – Sam Raimi * Deborah *  Li ebling *Zainab Azizi *Scott Beck * Bryan Woods , Cinematography  – Salvatore Totino , Editer – Jane Tones * Jos h Sc haeffer , Music – Chris Bacon , Production  companies – Columbia Pictures * Bron Creative * TSG Entertainm ent ,Raimi Productions * Beck/Woods , Distributer – Sony Pictures Releasing , Release date – March 10, 2023 , Ru nning time 93 minutes * Country –  United States , Language  –  English , Budget –  $45 million , Box office –  $4.7 million  and others.

Story -;

Dinosaurs and humans did not live on Earth at the same time. For all we know, humans did not exist during the ti me of the dinosaurs. But this film In order for the director to come a little closer to reality, the protagonist of this film is an astronaut from another planet that collided with this planet 65 million years ago. The film takes us back to the dinosaur era. The mission goes awry when their spacecraft crashes into Earth due to a nasty asteroid stor m, and the only other survivor is Koya, a girl who can’t speak or write English. Especially since shortly after the accident, these two find themselves in a strange world inhabited by dinosaurs, all of whom seem extremely hu ngry and rabid.

Watch The Trailor-;

Movie Review-;

The directors of this film, who teamed up with John Krasinski for the previous film, have now made another atte mpt. In the film we can understand the child’s extreme curiosity to see dinosaurs and other world. It is that passi on that this effort by the directors gives us the feeling of traveling in the age of dinosaurs for a few hours. Howe ver, dinosaur movies are not getting the same reception as they did in the past. However, this film has bravely ch osen that story. It can be said that with the help of technology, they have shown the biggest thing on the screen. But soon after the film starts, you can feel this gimmick unraveling.

It’s kind of boring to see the two main characters running around screaming and running for most of the movie. The special effects are of good quality. But the story itself falters at several points. Definitely a good treat for cin ema goers. It will be a favorite movie for kids. You can enjoy the movie in  theaters.  Don’t worry, this isn’t a Plane t of the Apes-type twist and we haven’t given anything away. The film makes clear from the beginning that the st range and unchartered planet that Mills’s ship crashes to is Earth.While it’s probably a good thing that 65 didn’t keep its location a secret for long, the fact that it’s revealed in a text at the start of the film is a bit callow.

But that’s fine. We’re not here for a masterclass in scriptwriting, right? Bring on Driver and the dinosaurs. But fi rst, we have to toil through 10 minutes of arduous exposition.Mills is on a beach on his home planet with his wif e, Alya (Nika King) and daughter Nevine (Chloe Coleman). We learn that the astronaut is taking up a two-year ex peditionary mission with the aim of paying for a treatment that could save his daughter’s life. Further details of her sickness aren’t disclosed, but that doesn’t take away from the plot. The film feels as if the cameras began ro lling while a first draft of the script had barely been completed.

Sony PicturesThe film feels as if the cameras began rolling while a first draft of the script had barely been comp leted. Photo: Sony PicturesThis fact could easily have been revealed later in the film, through one of many sce n es where Mills is watching old messages from his family on mobile holographic technology. A more exciting beg inning, and one that would have added a much-needed layer of mystery, would have been to simply start off wh ere he wakes up as his ship is on the verge of being bombarded by a cluster of unmapped asteroids that send him off course and on to Earth.

The impact kills almost all the ship’s passengers, save for a young girl, Koa. Portrayed by Ariana Greenblatt, Koa is every bit the archetypal doe-eyed, silent companion with which sci-fi is replete. She speaks a language that Mi lls doesn’t understand and ends up only parroting a few words here and there. Really, she seems to exist only as a foil to Driver’s character, giving him a reason to find an escape shuttle that went astray as his ship plummeted to wards Earth, and helping him come to terms with the loss of his daughter.While you can’t really torch a sci-fi film with dinosaurs for lacking emotional and scriptwriting depth.

It really does feel like the cameras began rolling while a first draft was barely penned. But who cares, as long as t he dinosaurs and the action scenes are on point, right?Ah, the dinosaurs. Well, this is no Jurassic Park. There is n o Spielberg sense of awe or terror when we first come across the monumental creatures. The special effects are nothing to write home about either.Some of the dinosaur encounters are fun, but every cliff-hanger ends up al m ost immediately being a stairstep. Again, another few drafts of the script would possibly have salvaged the fil m, along with a more imaginative ending, but by the time Mills and Koa manage to shuttle off the planet, minutes b efore the asteroid comes down to wipe out the dinosaurs with surprising, lacklustre glory, you may have long je tted out of the cinema yourself.

This IS MY Personal Review So Please Go And Watch The Movie In Theaters Only

Written By- T.H.PRASAD -B4U-Ratting-3 /5