Vembu film crew participated in the world record festival

*Vembu film crew participated in the wo rld record festival

* The deer horn twirling competition, on e of our traditional arts, Silambakalai, w as held for an hour.

Many boys and girls participated in the c ompetition. Vembu film hero Harikrishn an, heroine Sheela and director V. Justin Prabhu, cinematographer A. Kumaran p articipated in the festival.

Both the actors presented prizes and co ngratulated the children who had set th e world record. They spoke in front of th em that Vembu film is a film that gives c hildren self-confidence.

The film ‘Vembu’ is produced by Golden Suresh and S. Vijayalakshmi on behalf of Manjal Cinemas. It is directed by debuta nt director V. Justin Prabhu

Madras (Johnny) Harikrishnan plays the hero and Sheela plays the heroine. Jayar ao, Pariyerum Perumal, and Karnan fam e Janaki play the lead roles. Many rural t heatre artists have also acted…

A. Kumaran, who worked as a cinemato grapher in Dhanush’s Thangamagan, has handled the cinematography for this fil m. K.J. Venkataraman, who edited the fi lm Miruthan, has handled the editing for this film. Manikandan Murali has compo sed the music.

The songs have been sung by Anthony D asan, Meenakshi Ilayaraja, Sundara Iyer, who won a National Award for Joker, an d Kapil Kabilan. The lyrics of Rani’s song from Joker have also been used in this fi lm and she also plays a role in this film.

Director Justin Prabhu says about the fil m, “This film is a biographical story of a r eal person. Beyond their own lives, how they face this society, how the environm ent makes them great people, the story has been developed in such a way that it will be based on the common people to t he great people. It will be a film that will motivate from small children to adults. There is a good social concept in this fil m. Everyone who watches the film can r elate to this story.

How parents in a family present their o pinion on their children, how this societ y views a woman, how a woman is critici zed in this society, and beyond that, how a father supports his daughter, how the hero, who comes as the heroine’s boyfri end, supports her, and how much import ance he gives to her success in life.

This is how a huge change is happening in that society that no one can easily br ring about. We have told something in t his story that neither the police nor the government can stop, something that if this is the case, everyone can lead thems elves safely. This has become a story tha at is relevant not only to the society but also to the government.

Earlier, I directed a short film called Kap ukkaraan, focusing on the lives of sanita tion workers. I also won an international film award for this. I have worked as an  assistant director in some important fil ms. Since I live in an ordinary village, I se e everything from the perspective of ord inary people. Therefore, all my stories h ave a social perspective. I will direct film ms that are useful for the society and th e people,” he said.

*Technical artists details*

Production; Golden Suresh and S. Vijaya lakshmi Direction; Justin Prabhu Cinem atography; A. Kumaran Editing; K.J. Ven kataraman Music; Manikandan Murali S ingers; Anthony Dasan, Meenakshi Ilaya raja, Sundara Iyer and Kapil Kabilan Pub lic Relations; A. John