AGHATHIYAA* Tamil Movie Review 

AGHATHIYAA* Tamil Movie Review


Jiiva as Aghathiyaa Raashii, Khanna as Veena ,Arjun as Siddharthan Edward, So nenblick as Edwin Duplex ,Matylda as Ja cqueline ,Yogi Babu as Yogi Babu and ot hers.


Production House: Vels Film Internation al and WAMINDIA Producer : Ishari K.G anesh, Aneesh Arjun Dev ,Writer & Dire ctor : Pa.Vijay, Music : Yuvan Shanker Ra ja Dop : Dipak Kumar Padhy ,Editor : San Lokesh , Art Director : P.Shanmugam, Ch oreographer : Kalaimaamani Sridhar, ⁠Co stume Designer : Pallavi Singh, Tina Ros ario DI : iGene Sound Mixing : Tapas Nay yak Lyrics : Pa.Vijay Chief Associate Dire ctor : S.Guru Surya Executive Producers : Ashwin Kumar Creative producer : Pra bu Publicity Designer : Dinesh Ashok M arketing and Promotions: iHorse PRO: Nikil Murukan and others.

Story -:

Jeeva, who is an art director in cinema, i s a flop in his first film. The set he worke ed so hard to build is in vain, and Raashi Khanna gives Jeeva the idea of ​​turning i t into a scary house.

So, to turn it into a scary house and see the business, many supernatural things happen there. Then Jeeva finds an old r eel, in which Arjun appears as a Siddha doctor. Arjun comes as a Siddha doctor in 1940 and cures the sister of a cruel b runch king at that time, and also tries to find a cure for bone cancer.

And at the end of that story, Jeeva’s mo ther has this disease, and Jeeva someho how wants to know what happened in 1 940. And whether that cancer cure has been discovered, and if so, he thinks tha at he should take it and cure his mother, a ghost comes to prevent this, and what happens next is the rest of the story.

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Movie Review -:

Jeeva has given a hit with a blockbuster after a long year and has once again ven ntured into fantasy stories as a new ven nture. He has done well in his role.

At the same time, Arjun, who plays the S iddha doctor, has done his usual flawless acting. Edward, who plays the villain, att tracts attention, and Radha Ravi, who is a white man’s henchman, has made ever eryone enjoy his disgusting imitation sp eech.

Also, the story alternates between 1940 and the present, and as usual, the ghost bungalow comes and goes. But, as if Arj rjun had seen it firsthand, everything Je eva sees is a logical loophole, but he can n’t do anything else, so we should show him that too, right?

The references to Bharathidasan, Ambe dkar, Dwettamalai Srinivasan, and Mura soli in the 1940 scenes are enjoyable. At the same time, even though the story m oves from that time to this time like the story of Magadheera, there are no inter eresting scenes that make you sit up and stand up.

Especially when it comes to ghost films l ike this, comedy scenes should work, bu t even though they call this a comedy, w e didn’t laugh. Technically, the film’s cine matography is superb, the 1940 scenes are very special, and Yuvan’s music is no t very impressive.

The grandeur of the climax could have b een there throughout the film, but that t oo was like what we saw in the Marvel fi lm Doctor Strange. The 1940 scenes are mainly Arjun acting Th e first half is scen es that we have seen in many ghost films . There is confusion as to whether this is a horror film or a fantasy film, where we are going. Overall, the plot, which shoul d be the peak of Agathiya’s interest, has come out mediocre.

This Is My Personal Review So Please G o and Watch The Movie in Theaters On ly

Written by B4U Media Ratting B4U Me edia 4 / 5