Shaam’s ‘Astram’ to be released on Mar ch 7th.
“Astram has a unique crime investig atio n thriller storyline”; Actor Shaam is conf ident.
“Is ‘Astram’ the Brahmastram I got?”; Ac tor Shaam.
“I am not surprised by Sivakarthiyan’s h eight”; Actor Shaam.
“Debuting as Shaam’s pair in ‘Astram’ is a blessing for me; Actress Nira is proud.
‘Astram’ producer vows to develop ten n ew directors.
‘Astram’ is a crime investigation thriller produced by Thana Shanmugamani und er Best Movies. The film, which stars Sh aam in the lead role, is directed by debu utant director Arvind Rajagopal. Model Nira plays the female lead, while Nizhal gal Ravi, Jeeva Ravi, Arul T. Shankar and debutant Ranjith play important roles.
The film will be released all over Tamil N adu on March 7. Following this, the ‘Astr am’ team met the press and shared inte resting information about the film.
Speaking to Nayagan Sham,
“Arvind Rajagopal, whom I met through Facebook, contacted me and said, ‘I am going to direct a film and it would be gre at if you acted in it.’ After that, both Arvi nd and the writer Jagan met me in perso n. The story they told was very interesti ng. We have enjoyed watching many thr iller films so far. The fact that this film p resents a unique crime investigation sto ory in a thriller format makes it differen ent from other films. Its screenplay was also interesting.
Although director Aravind Diraksan wa s new to the film industry, he had years o f experience in the film industry and h ad acted in a few films. His speech was al so confident. The producer of this film is from Erode. He has worked hard and ma de progress. The person who asked me t o act in this film said that since the shoo ting of this film will be done in Kodaikan anal for 30 days in one go, it would be go od if he gave me the dates in total.
I even said that since I am a new directo r, we can split the shooting into 15 days. But I have faith in the director. Not only that, he confidently said that he is makin ng the film with only my own money so t hat the film does not get stalled due to a ny kind of problem. What he said was a bit shocking and surprising to me at the same time. There are very few people in the film industry who make films with th eir own money. That is why this film has been completed beautifully without any hitches as planned and is now ready for release.
Director Aravind, who quit his job in a c orporate company and was interested in cinema, realized that he was making this film out of his passion for cinema and all his friends who worked with him as assis tant directors gave him a lot of support. am only now meeting such a friendship. Aravind can be said to be very lucky in t hat way. Similarly, Aravind handled eve rything beautifully from the first day of shooting like an experienced director.
The film Varisu was a comeback film for me. Since it is the film that will be releas ed after that, this film ‘Astram’ is a very i mportant film for me. Although Jagan, w ho has written the story of this film, may seem young, he has a lot of knowledge a bout cinema. He has written only what t he film asks for, beautifully. There is a w onderful message in this film. Everyone who watches the film will agree with it wholeheartedly. Ranjith, who has acted in this film, is making his debut in this fil m. He has attended a workshop for alm ost 20 days and has acted beautifully wi thout any hesitation or confusion during the shooting. Actor Jeeva Ravi has also portrayed the character of James in this film so beautifully.
Heroine Nira has experience in modelin ling and acting in commercials. When I s aw her in a music album called ‘Nee Poo om’, I told Aravind that she would be pe rfect for our film. Nira has also given a g reat contribution in the film. After this fi lm, she will become a busy heroine. Ever yone who worked on the film had a lot o f positive thoughts. I could feel it every moment I acted in the film. Cinematogra pher Kalyan has done a very good job in the cinematography,” he said.
Speaking about the film, Director Arvin d Rajagopal said,
“After working in a corporate company, directing a few short films and acting in a few films, sitting here as a director in this ten-year journey is like a dream. At the same time, knowing that I only have experience in short films, producer Dha na Shanmugamani, who is keen on devel oping new directors, believed in me and agreed to produce the film after hearing this story. After six months of trying to tell the story of this film to a few heroes, he saw a message I sent on social media and trusted me, called me, listened to th e story, agreed to act in the film and too k it to the next level. Actor Sham played a huge role in taking it to the next level. The film’s heroine Nira, actors Nizhalgal Ravi, Jeeva Ravi, Araul D Shankar have b elieved in us in this film without any exp pectations and have given their best con tribution. Cinematographer Kalyan has given his best contribution. Music comp oser Sundaramoorthy has handled the b ackground music with innovation. Edito r Bhoopathi has also done magic in edit ing.” He said.
Speaking, heroine Nira said,
“It is a matter of joy and pride for me to be the heroine of the film Astram. Like e veryone else, I had tried to act in cinema out of passion for acting. But at one poin nt, I changed my mind and decided that i nstead of looking for opportunities, we should let opportunities come to us. Th at is how the music album ‘Nee Poom’ w as born. I was born in Dindigul and grew up in Chennai. In that case, there were many difficulties when creating such an album and introducing it there in the Un nited States.
But as if good things happen to us unexp pectedly, Arya, Aishwarya Rajesh, Revat thi, Khushboo, etc. released the song on their digital platforms. At that event, Sh am sir came in person to release the alb um and asked me a lot of information ab out the way the album was made. After that, about a week later, I received an in vitation from the director to act in this fi lm. When I met him and Jagan in person n, everything from the way they welcom ed me to the way they treated me was a good approach.
Also, I really liked hearing this story. At the same time, I am someone who firmly believes that if we are a part of a winnin ng film, it is as if we have also won. Whe n I went to the shooting site with a hesit tation about what the facilities and acco ommodation would be like for us, the pr oducer Thana Shanmugamani had creat ated an environment with a family atmo sphere there. During the days we were s hooting there, I never felt lonely. I never felt insecure. That is what every actress needs.
Actor Sham sir is the one who carries th e story on his shoulders in the film. We h ave been by his side all along. In particul ar, Ranjith, who is making his debut in th is film, prepared himself to act so natura lly that he did not know that he was a ne wcomer, even though he was a characte er who could travel with him all the way. He was especially open-minded and rea dy to learn anything.
Sham sir, who has acted with great actre sses like Jyothika, Trisha, Simran in his 2 0-year film career, considers it a great bl essing that I am making my debut in his f ilm. I consider that mind as God, who no t only introduced me to the music album but also generously agreed to act in his f ilm. He has done this by breaking the ste ereotype of being a small screen actress. Everyone who acted in this film, includin g Nizhalgal Ravi and Jeeva Ravi, have be en by my side. I would say that this film Astram is an Astram that I got in my life. I see it as a blessing,” he said.
Debutant actor Ranjith, while speaking,
“First of all, I would like to thank my fath er for starting Best Movies Production Company and giving me the opportunity . He started this company with the idea of introducing 10 aspiring directors. He is sure that he will make all ten films as li fe-giving films for debuting directors. It would be better if you watch this film an d get to know more about director Arvi nd Rajagopal than what I am saying now. Actor Sham encouraged me from the fir st day of shooting and dispelled my fear s. If you buy clothes from big cloth store s and buy some things from small shops outside the platform, it will be a great h elp for them. Similarly, while we welcom me big films, we should also welcome an d support small films. We invite you to th is like a wedding ceremony, come and sit at the table, eat and tell us what you think about the taste,” the producer req uested.