ICD Bestows Honorary Fellowship on S RM Chancellor Chennai , 23rd Feb 2025
The International College of Dentistry (I CD) Section VI (India, Sri Lanka & Nepal) has conferred the prestigious Honorary Fellowship upon Dr. T.R. Paarivendhar, F ounder Chancellor of SRM Institute of S cience and Technology (SRMIST).
This distinguished fellowship was prese nted to Dr. Paarivendhar, a distinction r arely bestowed upon non-dentists/non-medical.
This honour recognises his contribution to the fields of education and healthcare delivery.
Dr. Paarivendhar was recognise ed for h is exceptional contributions to both fiel ds during ICD’s annual meeting a nd con nvocation, held at SRMIST in Kattankau ulathur, in collaboration with SRM Katt ankulathur Dental College and Hospital The Honorary Fellowship was presente d by ICD’s Global President, Dr. Ian M. D oyle, and ICD Section VI President, Dr. Meera Verma, among other distinguishe d guests.In his acceptance speech, Dr. Pa arivendhar highlighted the unique impo rtance of dentistry, stating that it plays a vital role in helping individuals walk upr ight, speak clearly, and laugh with confid ence. He expressed heartfelt gratitude t o ICD for honoring him, a non-medical p rofessional, with such a prestigious reco gnition.He also emphasised the humanit nitarian work being carried out at SRM Kattankulathur Dental College, where dental care is provided free of charge to the underprivileged. “We don’t just trea t the poor; we make them smile. Service to the less fortunate is truly service to God,” he said