Music and preview launch of the film ‘Ni ram Marum Ulagil

Music and preview launch of the film ‘Ni ram Marum Ulagil starring Bharath iraja – Natty Natraj – Rio Raj – Sandy Master*

The music and preview launch of the fil m ‘Niram Marum Ulagil’, produced by Si gnature Productions and GS Cinema Int ernational and set to release in theaters worldwide on March 7th, was held in Ch ennai.

Directed by debutant director Britto J B , the film ‘Niram Manamanthi’ stars ‘Iya kkunar Imayam’ Bharathiraja, Natty Nat raj, Rio Raj, Sandy Master, Viji Chandras aekhar, Loveline Chandrasekhar, Nivas Adithan, Salma, Suresh Menon, ‘Aaduka lam’ Naren, Mime Gopi, Vadivukkarasi,V ignesh Kant, Rishi Kant, Kanika, Aadira, Kavya Arivumani, Tulasi, Aira Krishnan, Lisi Antony, Namo Narayanan, Suresh C hakravarthy, Egan, Vijith, Jeeva Subram aniam, Dindigul Saravanan, Balaji Dayal an and many others. The cinematograph y of this film is jointly handled by Mallik arjun-Manikanda Raja and music is com posed by Dev Prakash. The film’s editing work has been handled by the three art directors – Ram – Dinesh – Subendhar.

The music and preview launch of the fi lm ‘Niram Marum Ullagil starring a star-studded cast of Tamil cinema, was he ld in Chennai on a grand scale. ‘Bigg Boss’ Muthukumaran, producer and distri but or Dhananjayan, along with the film cre w, were present at the event as special guests.

Producer Bala Seetharaman welcomed e veryone who attended the event and said, ‘‘When I was looking for an opport unity to act in the film industry, I did not get an opportunity. After that, I tried my best in all the categories as a technical a rtist and searched for an opportunity, bu t Kalaithai did not give me the right opp ortunity. At this moment, I decided to cr eate an opportunity with my friends and brothers and give others a chance, so I b ecame a producer. Our company GS Cin emas International and Signatures Prod uctions have jointly produced the film ‘Niram Marum ullagil. I would like to wel come the director Britto, the actors, act resses, technicians, friends, relatives an d fans who have directed the film. We ar e constantly waiting to give a chance to new young talents. The film ‘Niram Marr um ullagil’ will be released in theaters o n March 7th. I request everyone to visit the theater and support the film,” he sai d.

Music composer Dev Prakash said, “This is my first film. The experience of worki ng on this film is amazing and happy. Wh at is special for every artist is that it is th eir first film. I am very happy that ‘Niram Manaar Udhe’ is my first film. I never ev en dreamed that I would compose music for Bharathiraja Aiya, Rio Annan, Sandy Annan, Natty Sir and many others who a re acting in this film. I would like to than nk the director and the producer who ma de this possible.

I would like to thank actor Rio Raj for re cognizing my musical talent and encour aging me. Director Britto is my friend. W hen the work on this film began, I kept m entioning the names of some composers to him and suggesting that it would be b etter if they composed the music. After listening to everything, he finally said, ‘Y ou are the composer for this film.’ So I w ould like to thank him at this moment.”

Speaking, actress Jeeva Subramaniam s aid,This is my 25th film. I would like to thank director Britto for giving me the o pportunity to act in this film. While pro moting this film, they had given me impo rtance and released a special poster. Th at made me happy. I would also like to th ank the producers for giving us importa nce even though I played a small role in this film.

This film tries to tell an unspeakable sto ory. What is it? I request everyone to vis it the theater on March 7th and watch it. Director Britto will rise as an indispe nsable director in Tamil cinema. I would like to thank all the fellow artists and te chnicians who worked in the film at this moment.”

Actress Aadhira said, “In this film, I have played the role of Rio Raj’s mother Pari malam. All the stars worked together in this film for the love of director Britto. H e behaved very patiently and respectfull y on the set. For this, I thank him. Behind every woman’s success, there is a man. B ehind every man’s success, there is a wo man. This is what this film emphasizes.”

Actress Viji Chandrasekhar said, “I got the opportunity to act in this film throu gh my daughter. My daughter Lovelyn h as acted in this film. Are you playing her mother? They asked. My daughter and I have acted in this film.

There are many unexpected things in th is film that the audience will not see. M any things that you have seen very close ely in your life have been included in thi s film.”


Actor Egan said, “There is a way to work together in a film as friends. In this film, we all have worked together as brother s. If we work together as brothers… it wi ll be a film about mother. This is a film ab out mother. It will be released on March 7th. I request everyone to come to the th eater and support it,” he said.

Producer-distributor Dhananjayan said, “The preview of this film is very good. Es pecially Natty Natraj’s background voic e is majestic and has given a new form. I n this preview, he has narrated the story in a magnetic voice. I hope that somethi g in a film will attract the attention of th e fans. This will be it. I thank Natty Natr aj for this.

Thanks also to Rio Raj, who is acting in t his film. Sandy Master has not only perf formed well in dance but also in acting i n this film. The film ‘Madhimaran’ receiv ied a great response on the digital platf orm. I wish that this film produced by th e company that produced that film will also be a huge success. ” he said.

Actress Kavya Arivumani said, “This is a very special moment for me. A girl from a town called Ambur comes to Chennai to study well. While the woman was tra avelling in a government bus in Chennai, she saw an advertisement for a jeweller y shop that was set up on the side of the road. The advertisement featured Ladie s Superstar Nayanthara. After seeing th e jewellery shop advertisement, the wo man thought, why shouldn’t we also app ear in such advertisements? After that, the woman prepared herself for it. After that, she earned the attention and love of the fans by acting in short films, pilot films, commercials, TV serials.. She was that woman.

After becoming famous for playing the character of Mullai, I was thinking of m oving towards the next stage when I got a call from director Britto. While auditi oning for this film, the director promise d me, ‘You are not the heroine in this fil m. But after the release of this film, your acting skills will be talked about.’ I have acted in this film trusting his promise. D irector Britto worked hard on the set. I am sure that my character will be reme embered by everyone after the release of this film. ” He said.

Bigg Boss’ Muthukumaran said, “They said it was an audio launch. Here it is an audio launch conference. Where does t he hope that this film will be good come from… when you hear the story of the fi lm and see the list of actors who have ag reed to act. The list of Bharathiraja, Nat ty Natraj, Rio Raj, Sandy Master, Lizzy A ntony… is a testament to this. There are heroes in a film, and this is a film that is filled with heroes of the story. I am ama zed by the personality of director Britto, who created it. Just as celebrities are fil led with this story… I want the fans to fill the theaters after the release of this film . I request the media to provide full cop operation for this.”

Producer Catherine Shobha said, “My congratulations to director Britto, who has made this film with many stars in th e cast. I also extend my heartfelt congr atulations to this team for its success.”

Director Britto said, “This is my first fil m. I was acting in films. But I wanted to direct a film. I wrote a lot of stories for that. However, I decided to direct this st ory first because it is about Amma. This film is a dedication to Amma. There may have been many films about Amma befo re. But this is unique.”