Apollo First Med Hospitals Successfully Performs

Apollo First Med Hospitals Successfully Performs Complex

Finger Replantation Surgeries Using Ad vanced Super-Microsurgery

Chennai, 18 February, 2025: Apollo Firs t Med Hospital has successfully perform med replantation surgeries on multiple patients who suffered traumatic finger a mputations due to various accidents. Th e procedures, led by expert Plastic Surg eons Dr. V. Purushothaman and Dr. Saba ri Girish Ambat, have restored not on ly the patients’ finger functionality but als o their ability to resume normal daily ac tivities.

The replantation surgeries, which took s everal hours for each patient, involved t he meticulous reattachment of severed fingers, including small fingertips. Using cutting-edge microsurgical tools and su per-microsurgical techniques, the surge ons carefully reconnected bones, tendo ns, nerves, and blood vessels, restoring blood flow and ensuring hand functiona lity. Following the surgeries, all patients undergo rigorous rehabilitation to regai n full use of their hands and fingers.

Dr. V. Purushothaman, plastic surgeon, Apollo first med hospital, explained the importance of preserving the amputate ed part for replantation: “When dealing with amputations, especially those caus ed by machinery or household appliance es, time is of the essence. Preserving the amputated part is crucial, and the right s teps must be taken immediately to ensu re it remains suitable for surgery. AaTha nks to advances in super-microsurgery, we are now able to replant even the sm allest of amputated body parts, such as fingertip injuries, with high success rate s.”

Dr. Sabari Girish Ambat, Senior consulta nt in Plastic Surgery, Apollo first med ho spital, said, “Thanks to the swift actions of the patients’ families and the hospital team, we were able to act quickly and re store these patients’ hand function. Eac h step, from cooling the amputated part to getting it to our surgical team, signific antly increases the chances of a success ssful outcome. Super-microsurgery, whi ch involves even finer precision, allows us to replant even fingertip amputations that would have once been deemed too small to repair.”

The patients, who sustained amputation ns from road traffic accidents, industrial accidents, bike chain injuries, and house ehold accidents such as kitchen mishaps and door crush injuries, were quickly br rought to Apollo First Med Hospitals’ tr auma center. In each case, the critical fir st step was to preserve and transport th e amputated part to the hospital, allowi ng the medical team to perform success ful replantation surgeries. Remarkably, even small amputated fingertips, once c onsidered irreparable, were successfu f ully reattached through advanced supe r-microsurgery techniques.

Key Steps in Preserving the Amputated Part for Replantation Surgery:
The process of preserving the amputate d part involves several key steps, contro
lling Bleeding: Stop the bleeding at the a mputation site and elevate the injured p art if possible. Properly Wrapping the  A mputated Part: The amputated part sho uld be gently wrapped in a clean cloth or sterile gauze and placed in a plastic bag or sterile container.

Cooling, Not Freezing: The part should be kept cool using crushed ice or ice pac ks, but should never be in direct contact with ice to prevent tissue damage. Trans
porting Quickly: The amputated part sh ould be brought to the hospital within 4-6 hours for optimal chances of replantat ation, with quick, direct transportation t o ensure rapid surgical intervention.The
ese successful replantation surgeries hi ghlight Apollo First Med Hospitals’ lead ership in trauma and microsurgery care. With a dedicated team of specialists and access to the latest technology, the hosp ital remains at the forefront of providin g life-changing treatments for patients i n need. For More Information about Ha nd surgery, microsurgery, or to schedule a consultation, Please contact Departm ent of Plastic Surgery Apollo First Med Hospitals,Kilpauk. 04428366075 / 8754470049.

About Apollo Hospitals:
It was in 1983, that Dr Prathap C Reddy made a pioneering endeavor by launchi ng India’s first corporate hospital – Apol lo Hospitals in Chennai. Now, as Asia’s f oremost trusted integrated healthcare group, its presence includes over 12,000 beds across 72 Hospitals and 5000 phar macies, over 400 Primary Care clinics an d 1228 Diagnostic centres, 700 plus Tele clinics, over 15 medical education centr es and a Research Foundation with a foc us on global Clinical Trials. The most rec ent investment was the commissioning of South East Asia’s very first Proton Th erapy Centre in Chennai.

Every four days, the Apollo Hospitals Gr oup touches a million lives, in its mission to bring healthcare of international stan dards within the reach of every individu al. In a rare honour, the Government of I ndia had issued a commemorative stam p in recognition of Apollo’s contribution, the first for a healthcare organization. A pollo Hospitals Chairman, Dr Prathap C Reddy, was conferred with the prestigio us Padma Vibhushan in 2010.

For 40 years, the Apollo Hospitals Grou p has continuously excelled and maintai ned leadership in medical innovation, w orld-class clinical services and cutting-e dge technology. Its hospitals are consist ently ranked amongst the best hospitals in the country for advanced medical ser vices.