AG&P Pratham & THINK Gas announce

AG&P Pratham & THINK Gas announce

AG&P Pratham & THINK Gas announce the merger of the two brands

New Delhi, 12th February 2025: AG&P Pratham and THINK Gas took the India Energy Week 2025, as the stage to anno unce their merged brand entity. The ne look of the merged brand was unveiled b y Dr. Anil Kumar Jain, Chairperson, Pe troleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Bo ard (PNGRB) during the event, in the pre sence of Shri Amitava Sengupta, Chairm an, THINK Gas and Shri Abhilesh Gupta, MD & CEO, THINK Gas.

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AG&P Pratham and THINK Gas, group e ntities with two prominent brands in th e City Gas Distribution (CGD) sector sha ll now operate under a single brand – TH INK Gas, to leverage operational efficie ncies and expand market reach. Now, t he merged brand shall operate across 1 0% of India’s landmass, covering 50 distr icts across 10 states and to serve a popu lation of over 180 million.

Dr. Anil Kumar Jain, Chairperson, PNGR B, unveiled the new brand, saying, “I ext end my warm congratulations to AG&P Pratham and THINK Gas on their merg ed brand identity, THINK Gas. We eage rly anticipate accelerated growth with the new brand to foster an energy ecosy stem that drives sustainable developm ent that fuels India’s growth.”

The event was graced by Mr. Koji AsoSa n, Managing Executive Officer, Group C EO, Energy Transformation Business Gr oup, Sumitomo Corporation, Mr. Takeshi Shinohara San, MD, Osaka Gas India Pv t. Ltd., Mr. Jitousho Takahiro, CMD, Sumi tomo Corporation India Pvt. Ltd., Shri K azuhiro Hasumi, President, Konoike Indi a Pvt. Ltd., senior bureaucrats, stakehol ders and policymakers along with the s enior leadership team of the company.

On the new brand launch, Shri Amitava Sengupta, Chairman, THINK Gas said, “T he strategic brand merger of AG&P Prat ham and THINK Gas will catapult our co mbined brand into the major league, pos itioning us as a leading energy player. Un der the new brand, THINK Gas, we aim t o develop and establish one of the large st natural gas networks in the country T .he group entities together will be the la rgest Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Greenfield CGD business. With an inves tment of USD 1 Billion over next 8 years s. The group entities plan on expanding its network to 24,000 inch-km of steel ipelines, creating a stronger network of over 2,000 CNG stations covering 3,24, 000 square kilometres aimed to cater n eeds of more than 180 million custom ers.

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Left to RightMr. Pankaj Bhutani, Direc ctor (Commercial)- PNGRB, Mr. Sandee p Trehan, CEO- THINK LNG Investment s, Mr. Amitava Sengupta,Chairman THI NK Gas, Mr. Anil Kumar Jain, Chairpers on- PNGRB and Mr.Abhilesh Gupta, Ma naging Director & CEO- THINK Gas, Mr. Takeshi Shinohara San, MD, Osaka Gas India Pvt. Ltd

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Left to Right – Mr. Chiradeep Datta, CO O THINK Gas, Mr. Abhilesh Gupta, Man aging Director & CEO- THINK Gas, Mr. Amitava Sengupta, Chairman THINK Ga s, Mr. Sandeep Trehan, CEO- THINK LN G Investments and Mr. Anil Kumar Jain, Chairperson- PNGRB.

Shri Abhilesh Gupta, MD & CEO, THINK Gas, stated, “Over the past five years, A G&P Pratham and THINK Gas have built a strong reputation and brand presence in their respective markets. This brand merger has paved the way for a unified i dentity, THINK Gas. Leveraging our dee ep domain expertise, we will continue to integrate global best practices in health, safety, sustainability, environment, tech hnology and customer relationship man agement. We are committed to playing a pivotal role in the government’s vision to increase natural gas’s share in India’s energy mix.”THINK Gas is backed by ma rque investors – I Squared Capital, OSA KA Gas, Sumitomo Corporation, Konoik e Group, Japan Overseas Infrastructure Investment Corporation for Transport & Urban Development (JOIN), and AG&P Global.

About THINK Gas: The group entities o perating under the merged brand are le ading players in the Indian City Gas Dist ribution (CGD) business. Wehold 19 CG D licenses awarded by the Petroleum & Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) under the aegis of Ministry of Petroleu m and Natural Gas (MoPNG) to exclusiv ely develop CGD infrastructure and pro vide natural gas across 50 Districts in th e 10 states of Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Hi machal Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Ma dhya Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Our CGD netw ork will supply Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) for use in vehicles as well as Pipe d Natural Gas (PNG) to domestic house holds, commercial establishments and industries. Over the next few years, our network will comprise of more than 24 ,000 inch-km of steel pipelines, 2000+ C NG stations catering to the needs of mo re than 180 million customers and cover 324,000 square kilometres.THINK Gas has the largest Foreign Direct Investme nt (FDI) in greenfield CGD business in In dia. Our marquee investors include I-Sq uared Capital, and the Japanese consort ium of OSAKA Gas, JOIN, Sumitomo Co rporation and Konoike Transport. We ha ve been recognized for our efforts on va rious industry forums for our contributi ons across all business practices – Safet y, ESG, Marketing, CRM, Procurement, Sustainability and Risk Management.