2nd Edition of Mystic South Summit happening in Chennai

2nd Edition of Mystic South Summit hap pening in Chennai on 10-11 February 20 025 in Chennai

Dr Anantha Nageswaran, CEA, Govt of i ndia to Deliver Keynote Address & Mr R Mukundan, Vice President, CII to Inaugr ate the Summit

Chennai, 9th February 2025: Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) is set to host the second edition of the CII Mystic South Global Linkages Summit 2 025 on

10-11 February 2025 in Chennai. Under the theme ‘2047: The Southern Odyssey – Powering ahead to a $10 Trillion Econ omy,’ the Summit will explore South Indi a’s economic potential and its significan cant role in shaping Vision India@2047: A Roadmap to a $30 Trillion Economy.

A Keynote address will be delivered by Dr V Anantha Nageswaran, Chief Econo mic Advisor, Government of India, and Mr R Mukundan, Vice President, CII and MD & CEO, Tata Chemicals Ltd will be in augurating the Summit.

“Mystic South 2025 will feature a compr ehensive two-day summit, bringing toge ther key stakeholders to discuss South I ndia’s economic trajectory. With a stron g sectoral focus, the event will explore si x key areas: Advanced Manufacturing, E lectronics System Design & Manu factur ring, Emerging Technologies, Mobility, S ustainability, and Tourism, Arts & Cultu re,” said Mr TT Ashok, Chairman, CII My stic South Global Linkages Summit 2025 and MD, Taylor Rubber Pvt Ltd.

“The summit will host over 30 sessions, f eaturing more than 150 speakers and w elcoming over 600 delegates, including i nternational participants. In addition to thought-provoking discussions, the eve nt will facilitate high-level B2B meeting s and an exposition, providing a platfor m to showcase innovations and investm ment opportunities, further solidifying South India’s position as a global busine ss and investment destination,” Mr Asho k added.

“Driving this transformation is the Cosm ic 6 framework—Advanced Manufacturi ng, Electronics, Emerging Technologies, Mobility, Tourism & Culture, and Sustain nability—positioning South India as a le ader in EVs, AI-driven industries, and cu tting-edge infrastructure,” Mr Ashok fur ther added.

“Providing insights into the evolving eco booknomic landscape, the Summit will f ocus on strengthening trade partnershi ps and leveraging technological advance cements to drive long-term sustainable growth. Acting as a catalyst for strategic collaborations, investment opportunitie s, and policy development, Mystic South 2025 aims to position South India as a gl obal leader in business and innovation. The event will play a crucial role in shap ing a sustainable economic roadmap wh ile reinforcing the region’s significance i n India’s broader economic aspirations,” pointed out Dr Nandini, Chairperson, S R, CII and MD, Chandra Textiles Pvt Ltd.

“Key developments such as Tamil Nadu’s EV & Future Mobility Parks, Karnataka’s aerospace and semiconductor push, and Telangana’s Mobility Valley will propel S outh India’s share in India’s GDP to 40% by 2047, aligning with the Viksit Bharat vision,” Dr Nandini added.

The summit will witness the participatio n of Central and State Ministers, bureau ucrats & Global CEO’s, business leaders, entrepreneurs, economists & policy mak ers, diplomats & trade commissioners, a rtists & writers.