AN ODE TO SUPERHEROES AT 8TH EDITION OF ALERT BEING AWARDS Lau nch of ALERTAiD, a first of its kind WhatsApp BoT for first aid
~ Major Seeta Shelke, representing the Indian Army, who led the team construc ting the Bailey Bridge at Wayanad land slide site, was conferred the ALERT Bei ng Individual ICON Award.
~ PSG & Sons Charities Trust from Coim batore were conferred the ALERT Being Organization ICON Award
~ Thiru. Ma Subramanian, Hon’ble Hea lth Minister Gov. of Tamilnadu and Pad ma Bhushan Dr.A. Sivathanu Pillai, Disti nguished Scientist, ISRO and DRDO pre sented the awards to Real Life heroes.
~ The Chief Guests launched ALERTAiD – a WhatsApp BoT that can assist anyon e during emergencies, A real life simulat ion VR of an emergency on the road and The ALERT Academy, an e-learning platf orm for courses in emergency response.
Chennai, February 8th , 2025: The Eigh th Edition of “ALERT Being” Awards (AB A) was held today to honour and recogni se Good Samaritans from various walks of life. ALERT, a voluntary non-profit or ganization dedicated to making the ‘Rig ht to Life’ a reality in India, organized th e award ceremony and presented awar ds to 14 real-life heroes who have helpe d save or preserve lives in the following categories: individuals, organizations, a nd people going above and beyond.
Thiru. Ma Subramanian, Hon’ble Ministe r for Health and Family Welfare Gov. of Tamilnadu and Padma Bhushan Dr. A. Si vathanu Pillai, Distinguished Scientist, I SRO and DRDO graced the awards cere mony as Chief Guests and gave away the awards to real-life heroes selected by th e distinguished members of the ABA ju ry. The ALERT Being Awards under the Individual category was presented to 8 real-life heroes who put their life at sta ke. The Category of Going Beyond Call o f Duty was presented to Ms. Sabeena, a nurse from Nilgiris who risked her life to give first aid to those injured in the Way anad Landslide.
Under Organisation Category: India Tur ns Pink from Chennai and Samugam Tru st from Puducherry received the award s. The ALERT Being Icon award was pres ented to the incredible Forest Officials team of Wayanad Division (Landslide at Wayanad). The distinguished members f the ABA Jury were Ms. Veena Kumarav el, Founder, Natural Group of Salons: Thi ru. Md. Shakeel Akhtar IPS, Chief Inform ation Commissioner, DGP(Retd); Nawab z ada Mohammed Asif Ali, Heir Apparen t & Dewan to the Prince of Arcot; Dr. J.S. Rajkumar, Chairman and Chief Surgeon, Lifeline Hospitals; Mr. Sujith Kumar, Fou nder, Maatram Foundation and Mr. Ana ndakrishnan, a serial entrepreneur. The event had advisors in Dr. Renuka David, Managing Director, Radiant Medical Ser vices and Mr. C. K. Kumaravel, CEO and Co-Founder, Natural Group of Salons.
Conferred by the Board of Trustees of ALERT, The ALERT Being Organization ICON Award was presented to PSG & Sons Charities Trust from Coimbatore for their legendary philanthropy along with excellence of service in education and health; The ALERT Being Individual ICON Award was presented to Major Se eta Shelke, who representing the Indian Army led a team of 140 Jawans in const ructing the Bailey Bridge in a record tim e of 31 hours to help the rescue of peop le in the catastrophic landslide at Waya nad.
Mike Muralidharan, Chairman, ALERT, sabid “With the Good Samaritan Law in place and more colleges coming forth to install the ALERT Golden Army chapter s, we aim to generate 1 crore voluntee ers equipped to save lives.” He went on to state that “At times of an emergency, most people have the heart to help, but do not know how to go about it. The aim is to have more people evangelised in ha ndling emergency response to save prec ious lives, so that no life is lost for deart h of attention”.
Speaking about the awardees, Ms. Kala Balasundaram, Founder Trustee sai “The 8th edition of the ALERT Being Awards is a tribute to the extraordinary spirit of humanity. These heroes didn’t wait for a title or a moment – they stepped up whe n it mattered most. This is more than a c elebration- it’s a movement to make lif e-saving preparedness, a way of life.”
Speaking on the occasion Mr. Rajesh R Trivedi, Co-Founder & Managing Truste tee, ALERT said, “We could not have lau nched the tech initiatives for emergency response in a better setting than in the p resence of real-life heroes as we celebr ate them. The tech initiatives such as th e ALERT Academy e-learning course; th e ALERTAiD WhatsApp BoT, that anyon e can use as a quick reckoner during real emergencies; and the Virtual Reality mo dule in emergency response that will im me rse a learner in real life simulated sc enario to handle emergencies on the ro ad. We thank our CSR partner Ford Mot or Company for supporting some of thes e tech initiatives for public good”.
Save 9944036929 in your contacts and chat with ALERTAiD BoT on Whatsapp. Visit to access the e-learning course on emergency res ponse.
The 8th edition of ALERT Being Awards was supported by Bahwan Cybertek, VG N Group of Companies, Mark Metro and Tessolve as sponsors; Indian Oil Corpor ation, Radiant group, Super Auto Forge, MGM Healthcare, Naturals, UDS, Kesar Gift Mart, Chaitanya Builders, Bugwork d rks, TNKG Foundations and Cottons a s Donors. Institutions Partners include I ISSM Business School, Ethiraj College fo or Women, MOP Vaishnav College for Women, Asan Memorial College of Arts and Science, Avichi College of Arts and Science, Prince Shri Venkateswara Arts and Science College, Prince Shri Venkat eteswara Padmavathy Engineering Coll ege, Prince Shri Balaji Arts and Science College and Sairam Group of Institution. SuryanFM was the digital media partne r. Other partners include Kavithalaya P roductions, Srikhas Food Zone, JFX Eve nts, Fiesta Logistics, TMBC, Spotmedia and Vimi Magic.
ALERT, a Chennai based NGO is a volunt ary non-profit organisation working to ensure ‘Right to Life’ becomes a reality in India marching towards the Goal set by legendary former President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam – “Train one in every family on Emergency Care”. On one hand, ALER T trains the common man on emergency response while on the other it collabora tnes with other stakeholders of the em e rgency response ecosystem such as amb ulance services, hospitals, legal & enforc cements, government bodies, research Institutes, etc. to better the emergency response ecosystem. Alert VOICE, laun ched by ALERT in the previous edition o f ABA is India’s first community driven tech based first responders network. Kn ow more