Apollo Hospitals Inaugurated Its 3rd Ca ncer Centre in Chennai at Vanagram
The Centre at Vanagram is equipped wi th Tamil Nadu’s First Elekta Harmony Pr o
Chennai, 29th January, 2025 – Apollo H ospitals proudly inaugurated its third ca ncer centre in Chennai. This compre hen sive cancer centre at Vanagaram was in augurated by Mr. Ma. Subramanian, Hon ‘ble Minister for Health and Family Welf lfare, Government of Tamil Nadu, and M s. Supriya Sahu IAS, Additional Chief Sec retary, Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of Tamil Nadu alo ong with Dr. Prathap C Reddy, Founder & Chairman, Apollo Hospitals Enterpris e Ltd (AHEL), Dr. Preetha Reddy, Vice C hairperson, AHEL, and Ms. Suneeta Red dy, Managing Director, AHEL.
Mr. Ma. Subramanian, Hon’ble Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of Tamil Nadu said, “Our focus is in synergy with bringing advanced cancer care to T amil Nadu, and we’re happy that Apollo Cancer Centres is constantly bringing n ewer and innovative technologies to the State and extending it across India and g lobally. I applaud ACCs and the team for their tireless efforts in revolutionizing c ancer care in India. The inauguration of Apollo Cancer Centre at Vanagaram is a significant milestone in our collective fig ht against cancer.”
Dr. Prathap C Reddy, Founder & Chairm man, Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd., s aid, “At Apollo Hospitals, our mission is t o bring world-class healthcare to the pe ople of India, and we are committed to i nvesting in the latest technology and in ngfrastructure to achieve this. The open ing of our new centre in Vanagaram will considerably enhance access to top-tier cancer care for patients across Chennai and the surrounding region. This launch aligns with our vision of a future where cancer is no longer a life-threatening dis isease, but a manageable condition. We will continue to strive towards this goal by investing in research, innovation, and the best possible care for our patients.”
Ms. Supriya Sahu IAS, Additional Chief S ecretary, Dept of Health & Family Welfa are, Govt. of Tamil Nadu, said, “This new centre, quality cancer care is being brou ght closer to the people, ensuring that n o one is deprived of the treatment they d eserve. This is a significant step towar ds a healthier and more resilient commu nity.”
Speaking during the event Dr. Preetha R eddy, Executive Vice Chairperson, Apoll o Hospitals Enterprise Ltd., said, “Apollo Hospitals continues to lead the nation in cancer care by setting new benchmarks in treatment, innovation, and patient su pport. The launch of Apollo Cancer Cent re in Vanagaram, which is equipped with Tamil Nadu’s first Elekta Harmony Pro r adiation therapy technology, is a testam ent to this commitment. This facility has now brought advanced oncology servic es closer to home, reducing travel time a nd increasing convenience for patients and their caregivers. The inauguration of our 23rd Cancer Centre underscores our dedication to providing world-class cancer care accessible to every patient.”
A key feature of the Apollo Cancer Cent tre at Vanagaram is its standalone dedic cated unit, which provides comprehensi sive cancer care. The Centre offers adva nced diagnostic services, surgical and ra diation oncology, and support from allie d specialized medical professionals such as counsellors, dieticians, and speech th erapists.
The Centre comprises a dedicated mult idisciplinary team comprising renowned oncologists from various specialties, incl uding medical oncology, radiation oncol ogy, surgical oncology, pathology, and n ursing. This team works together to crea ate and implement comprehensive treat ment plans that are specific to each pati ent’s needs, ensuring holistic and compa assionate care. Their organ-specific can cer management teams at the Vanagara am centre will focus on tailoring treatm ent strategies to the unique characterist ics of cancers in particular organs.
About Apollo Cancer Centre
Cancer care today means 360-degree co mprehensive care, which requires comm mitment, expertise, and an indomitable spirit from cancer specialists.
Apollo Cancer Centre has a network spr read across India with over 390 oncolog ogists to oversee the delivery of high-en nd precision Oncology Therapy. Our onc ologists deliver world-class cancer care following an organ-based practice unde r competent Cancer Management Team s. This helps us in delivering exemplary t reatment to the patient in an environme nt that has consistently delivered an int ernational standard of clinical outcomes
Today, people from 147 countries come to India for cancer treatment at Apollo Cancer Centres. With the first Pencil B eam Proton Therapy Centre in South As ia & Middle East, Apollo Cancer Centre, has all that is needed to strengthen the battle against cancer. All domestic and international patients can contact us th rough our dedicated patient Helpline nu mber: 18002031066. We are available 24×7.