Kauvery Hospital, a leading multispecialty healthcare provider,

Kauvery Hospital, a leading multispecial ty healthcare provider,

The centre will provide comprehensive care for Heart, Nerve, Kidney, Vascular, and Foot-related Complications

Chennai, 15th December, 2024: Kauvery Hospital, a leading multispecial ty healthcare provider, has launched the Centre of Excellence for the Manageme nt of Diabetes Complications,dedicated to addressing the rising burden of  diabe tes-related complications in India.

The centre was inaugurated by Dr. J Ra dhakrishnan, Additional Chief Secreta ry to Government and Principal  Secre tary to Civil Supplies Department  Tam mil Nadu. This state-of-the-art facility brings together experts from multiple specialties, including neurology, cardio ology, nephrology, vascular surgery,  fo ot care, dietetics, and physiotherapy, to deliver comprehensive and specialaized care for individuals suffering f rom diab etes complications.

Dishoom Dishoom Diabetes; Kauvery Hospital Launches Centre of Excellenc ce for the Management of Diabetes Co mplications.

Diabetes is a growing epidemic in India, with over 100 million people diagnosed with the condition, according to the Indi an Council of Medical Research. A signif icant proportion of these individuals fac e debilitating complications. Diabetic  p atients experience neuropathy, which  c an lead to chronic pain and loss of sensa tion, cardiovascular disea ses with a tw o- to fourfold increased r isk of heart at tacks and strokes. Chron ic Kidney Dise ase is another major complication in Ind ia where Diabetes is a risk factor, often r equiring dialysis or kidney transplantati on. Additionally, vascular complications and poor wo und healing often result in amputations.

Speaking at the launch, Dr. Baraneedha ran, Senior Diabetologist at Kauvery Ho spital said,“Diabetes does not affect just one organ—it affects the entire body, an d its complications can significantly  red uce the quality of life. At Kauvery  Hosp ital, we recognize the urgent need to ad dress these challenges. With our Centre for Excellence, we aim to provide a  mult idisciplinary, evidence-based approach t hat focuses on early intervention, specia lized care, and pre vention of long-term damage. This cen tre is a testament to o ur commitment to empowering individu als to manage their health effectively an d live fuller lives.

The centre will offer a wide range of ser vices, including advanced diagnostics fo r early detection of complications, perso nalized treatment plans, wound care for diabetic foot ulcers, nephrology service es for kidney health, and targeted  thera pies for managing cardiac and neurologi al issues. A team of experienced  dietitia ns and physiotherapists will work closel ly with patients to promo te sustainable lifestyle changes, ensuring better health outcomes.

Dr. Aravindan Selvaraj, Co-Founder an d Executive Director of Kauvery Group of Hospitals said “India is witnessing a surg e in diabetes-related complication tions, and it’s critical to address this challenge through a holistic and patient -centered approach. The incidence of diabetes  rel ated complications are also on the rise a nd it becomes important t o effectively manage the complications . With our in-house team of specialists, we will be pro viding multidisciplinary approach to co mplications that arise due to Diabetes. With the integration of multidisciplinar y expertise and a pati ent-first philosoph y , the centre aims to set a benchmark in diabetes care.