Sudu Kavvum 2 Nadum Nattu Makka lum Tamil Movie Review
Shiva,Harisha Justin, Karunakaran, Vag ai Chandra Shekhar, MS .Bhasar, Kalki, A rul Das, J P, karate Karti ,RadhaRavi,and others.
Writer & Director: S J Arjun,Production Banner: Thirukumaran Entertainment & Thangam Cinemas,Producer: C V Kumar & S Thangaraj,Music (Songs): Edwin, Lou is Viswanath,Music (Back ground Score) : Hari S R,DOP: Karthik K Thillai,Editor :
Ignatious Aswin,Lyrics : La Varathan, An drews, Parthiban,Costume Designer: Sw etha Thangaraj, VFX : PixelLight Studio Pvt Ltd,Executive Producers : R.Rakesh
Hariharan, Santhosh,Sound Design:Suk umar NallaGonda, Srikanth Sundar MPS E – THE SOUNDAHOLICS ,Sound Mix: Ja ison Jose, Daniel Jefferson (Four Frames ), Promo Editor : Ramesh Yuvi,PRO – Nik i il Murukan and others.
Karunakaran, who enters politics at the end of the first part of Sudu Kavvum, ha as been elected by the people for 3 time s as the finance minister in the second p art.,Karunakaran, who is finance ministe r only because of corruption, gets stuck at one point. In the first part, Vijay Seth upathi was involved in the smuggling bu siness, in the second part, Mirchi Siva is carrying out the smuggling business wit h some principles and principles of his o wn.
Mirchi Siva kidnaps Karunakaran, who gets into political trouble, and what hap pened after that? Why did Mirchi Siva k idnap Karunakaran? The rest of the stor y of the film is how Karunakaran got ou t of his trouble.
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Movie Review-:
‘Soodhu Kavvum’ is the most prominent film in the new wave of Tamil cinema aft er 2010. The film is a cult classic with da rk humor, brilliant screenplay and sharp dialogues. Although it was the film ‘Pizz a’ that made Vijay Sethupathi’s identity, it was ‘Soodhu Kavvum’ that marked his breakthrough. Not only him but also Bo bby Simha, Ashok Selvan, Ramesh Thilla k, Karunakaran and music director Sant hosh Narayanan who worked in the film opened many doors.
If a film like this is to have a sequel, it fir st needs a story that can do justice to th e two stories. Then the screenplay will b e interesting for those who watch it. If t hese two are set correctly, then none of the other flaws in the film will be notice d. But these two basic aspects of a film a re absent in this film.
Nowadays the first 15 minutes is enoug gh to figure out how a film is going to be. Based on that, this film can also be predi cted. The film starts with a hero intro th at has nothing to do with the story, and after that it just stands there for a long time without moving anywhere.
to figure out how a film is going to be. B ased on that, this film can also be predic ted. The film starts with a hero intro tha t has nothing to do with the story, and a fter that it just stands there for a long ti me without moving anywhere. The scen es related to Vagai Chandrasekhar in th e beginning, the conversation at the par ty meeting, the introduction of the Siva gang are all very modest scenes. No pla ce has features that draw us in and mak e us sit up straight. It’s a tragedy that co ntinues throughout the film.
Nowadays the first 15 minutes is enoug h to figure out how a film is going to be. Based on that, this film can also be predi cted. The film starts with a hero intro th at has nothing to do with the story, and after that it just stands there for a long t ime without moving anywhere. The sce nes related to Vagai Chandrasekhar in t he beginning, the conversation at the pa rty meeting, the introduction of the Siva gang are all very modest scenes. No plac e has features that draw us in and make us sit up straight. It’s a tragedy that cont inues throughout the film.
Almost every scene in this film is a varia tion of the previous part. Like the song ‘Mama Dowser’ in the previous part to s how the hero and his colleagues being in volved in kidnapping incidents, the direc tor has ridiculously copied scenes such a s a song, in the first kidnapping he goes t o a bank manager to collect money. But the excitement of the first part was not there in any of the scenes.
The lines, which are supposed to be dark humor, are also throat-grabbing. At no p oint did they help the laughs. They have no benefit to the story either. The only t hing that matters in the film is Karunaka aran’s character. Only his scenes are so mewhat enjoyable. Otherwise, the relati onship between Vijay Sethupathi and Si va, the hero’s imaginary girlfriend, seem ms to have been forced between the firs t part and this one.
Mirchi Siva as the hero. Usually he just t ries to do what he can. However, even h is usual timing counters are not include d in this film. Only Karunakaran, who is the main link between the first part and this part, has done his job well. MS Bhak ar, Vagai Chandrasekhar, Radha Ravi all have nothing big to do.
Throughout the film, the imposed dialog ues that teach political lessons to the au dience have no impact. It’s not fun to su ddenly jump to the serious track when y ou’re on a track called comedy. Especia lly annoying are the over-the-top verses about freebies. The sharp verses that w ere the highlight of the first part are co mpletely missing in this one.
In the second half, the hero’s men are lo cked up in a white room to be tortured, a dark adaptation of the dark room scen e from the first part. The scene in the fir st part, with a small love song in the mid dle, is world-class. Santhosh Narayan’s theme music is immediately heard after ‘Soodhu Kavvum’. There is nothing mem orable about it.
‘Soodhu Kavvum’, a beautifully crafted p iece of furniture, has been copied in a ve ry ridiculous way, Part II. This second pa rt part is not even close to that side in te rms of scenery, screenplay elegance and comedy.
This Is My Personal Review So Please G o and Watch The Movie In Theaters On ly.
Written By B4U Media Admin Ratting B 4U Media 4 / 5