ZEIS manufacture semiconductor com ponents.
ZEIS manufacture semiconductor com ponents.
There is global demand for trendsettin g ZEISS brand products such as eyeglass l enses,camera lenses and binoculars.
With a portfolio aligned with future gro owth areas like digitalization, healthcar e and Smart Production and a strong br and, ZEISS is shaping the future of techn ology and constantly advancing the wor ld of optics and related fields with its so lutions.
The company’s significa nt, sustainable investments in researc h and developm ent lay the foundation for the success a nd continued expansion of ZEISS’ techn ology and market leadership.
ZEISS invests 15 percent of its revenue in research and development – this high level of expenditure has a long tradition at ZEISS and is also an investmeent in th e future.
With around 43,000 employees, ZEISS is active globally in almost 50 countries wi th around 30 production sites, 60 sales and service companies and 27 re search and development facilities (sta tus: 30 S eptember 2023).
Founded in 18 46 in Jena, the company is headquartered in Oberkochen, Germ any. The Carl Zeiss Foundation, one of th e largest foundations in Germany comm itted to t he promation of science, is the sole ow ner of the holding com pany, Car l Zeiss AG.