Family PadamTamil Movie Review

Family PadamTamil Movie Review


Udhay Karthik, Vivek Prasanna, Subhik sha Kayarohanam, Parthiban Kumar, Sr eeja Ravi, Mohana Sundharam, Kavin, Ja nani, Santhosh Kesavan, Arvind Janakir aman and others.


Production Company: UK Creations,Re
lease Partner – Tentkotta,Producer : K. Balaji,Written & Directed by SelvahKu mar Thirumaaran,Creative Producer: P arthiban Kumar,Music : Anivee,DOP:M
eyyendiran,Editor : Sudharsan,ArtDirec tor: K.B.Nandhu,Lyrics : Ahamed Shyam ,BackGround Music :Ajesh,Guitars & Ba ss – Chris Jason,Percussion &  Posit ivity – Sruthiraj,Composed Progrramed & Arr anged by AniVee Mixed &  Master Hara n Recorded by Hari Haran at 20 Db studi os,SFX : Sathish Kumar,Sound Mixing : U dhay Kumar , Costume Designer: Porche zhian,DI: Lixo Pixels,Colori st: Selvam,V FX & CG : Devaraj,Co-Directors : Suriya, Sainath,Associate Directors : Gladson,A ssistant Directors : Yuvaraj, Rohit h,Publ icity Designs :Vineeth Vasudevan Produ ction Executive : Dilip,Production Mana ger : Siva,PRO: Nikil Murukan,Digital PR : Ahmed Asjad.


Tamil (Uday Karthik), a young man from Chennai, dreams of becoming a film dire ctor and has been going up and down cin ema offices. His father (Santhosh Kesav an), mother (Sreeja Ravi), eld er brother (Vivek Prasanna), younger brother (Part hiban Kumar), grandfather (Mohana Su ndaram) and his entire family support hi s efforts. His girlfriend Yamuna (Subiks ha) is also a moral  support for Tamil’s dr eam.

In this case, after a great struggle, the f amous producer and the famous hero say OK to the story of Tamil. But a pro blem comes along with it, which affects him and his entire family. How did he an d his family overcome this problem, did he become a Tamil director, an d what h appened to Tamil love, is answered in De butant Director Selva Kumar Thirumara n’s ‘Family Film’.

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Movie Review-:

Tamil (Uday Karthik), a young man fr om Chennai, dreams of becoming a film dir ector and has been going up and down cinema offices. His father (Santhosh Kes avan), mother (Sreeja Ravi), elder broth er (Vivek Prasanna), younger brother (P arthiban Kumar), grandfather (Mohana Sundaram) and his enti re family suppor t his efforts. His girlfriend Yamuna (Subi ksha) is also a mora l support for Tamil’s dream.

In this case, after a great struggle, the f amous producer and the famous hero say OK to the story of Tamil. But a pro blem comes along with it, which affects him and his entire family. Debut direct or Selva Kumar Thirumaran’s film ‘Fam ily Film’ answers questions like h ow he and his family overcame this problem, d id he become a Tamil director , and what happened to Tamil’s love.

‘Dinosaurs’ Uday Karthik has done justi ce to his character as a vibrant young m an with zeal, righteous anger, modrate aggression and affection for his family. But alone, he skips the halfway mark in honing a scene and its emotio ns. Vivek Prasanna has done his best i n both the areas of comedy and emoti on. Parthib an Kumar as the younger b rother gives a realistic performance t hat makes him watchable. Santhosh Kesavan, Janani and Priyanka come and go to do the w ork given by Shreeja Rav i, Subiksha, Mo hana Sundaram and Ga vin.

Beyond being a budget film, Meiyendr an’s cinematography adds richness to the film. R. Although Sudarsan’s cinem atography has contributed to the film, the second half could have added a bit of oomph. The song ‘Nesama’ in Anivee Music is humming. Ajesh’s background music tries to add depth to the superfi cial scenes.

The first half of the screenplay with t he background of Tamil and his family, Tam il’s efforts, problems between them, lov ve, small comedy, light weight love scen es, affection between family members moves slowly. The absence of compellin g scenes and the slow-pa ced songs are disturbing, but not less enjoyable. The scenes that satirize the pranks of mass heroes and the scenes that talk about the exploits within the world of cinema are noteworthy.

The composure and realism of the first half is missing in the second half. All t he characters who were running on re ality meter take dramatic turns and at one po int start speaking outrageous lines. Talki ng emotionally in one scene, doing come dy when the same scene is over, talking emotionally again in ano ther scene, bec ause the scenes are mo ving in a repeat mode like this, there is confusion wheth r this is a spoof come dy film or an emoti onal film.

The comedy scenes burn at low voltage even though there are moments to pla y comedy and characters to match. Also, we are not able to participate in the pro tagonist’s struggle as there are no answ ers to important questions like what sto ry Tamil told the producer and hero, wh y is that story close to Tamil, and second ly what is the story of the fil m trying to take Tamil.

This is My Personal Review So Please G o and Watch The Movie in theaters only

Written By -: B4U Media Admin Ratting of -B4UMedia 4/5