Megastar Chiranjeevi, Srikanth Odela, Nani’s

Megastar Chiranjeevi, Srikanth Odela, Nani’s

Megastar Chiranjeevi, Srikanth Odela, Nani’s Unanimous Productions Presen ts, Sudhakar Cherukuri,

SLV Cinemas Film Announced Through Intense Poster

Megastar Chiranjeevi, renowned for hi s exceptional ability to choose scripts wit h great insight, has consistently worked with a mix of debutant filmmakers and e merging talents throughout hi sillustrio us career. His ability to spot promising d irectors and contribute to their growth has been one of his hallmarks. Chiranjee vi’s next film marks an exciting new cha pter for the highly tal ented director Sri kanth Odela who is a die-hard fan of Me gastar. The director, whose debut film D asara was a colosal blockbuster, not onl y achieved massiv e commercial success but also garnere d widespread acclaim, winning several prestigious awards. This collaboration with Chiranjeevi adds ano ther level of anticipation, as Srikanth Od ela takes on his most ambitious project to date, officially announced today. The film will be produced on a grand scale by Sudhakar Cherukuri of SLV Cinemas, wit h Natural Star Nani’s Unanimous Produ ctions presenting it.

The official poster released today deppi cts the powerful nature of the movie, co nveying the intensity of Chiranjeevi’s  ch aracter. The striking red theme of the po ster signals the violence centra7l to the story, while the quote, “He fi nds his pea ce in violence,” further underscores the fierce and compelling rol e Chiranjeevi will play. This collaboration promises to be a high-octane, thrill ing cinematic exp erience. This indeed is going to be the m ost violent film yet for Chiranjeevi.

The movie will go on floors, after Srika nth Odela wraps up his second directo rial venture The Paradise starring Nat ural Star Nani.

More details of the movie are awaited.


Megastar Chiranjeevi

Technical Crew:

Writer, Director: Srikanth Odela,Prod
ucer: Sudhakar Cherukuri,Banner: SL V Cinemas,presents: Nani’s Unanimous Productions,PRO: Sathish Kumar (S2 M edia).