Apollo Cancer Centre Leads the Way with India’s First LungLife

Apollo Cancer Centre Leads the Way with India’s First LungLife
Apollo Cancer Centre Leads the Way w ith India’s First LungLife

Apollo Cancer Centre Leads the Way wi th India’s First LungLife Screening Progr am to Combat Lung Cancer

Chennai, December 3 2024: Apollo Can cer Centres (ACCs), a leader in cutting-e dge cancer care, has launched India’s fir st Lung Life Screening Program for early detection of lung cancer. This gro und-b reaking initiative aims to comba bat lun g cancer, which accounts for 5.9% of all cancers and 8.1% of cancer-related de aths in India. Early detection on aids in better treatment outcome and enhance s the survival rate. (LINK)

GLOBOCAN 2020 estimates of cancer i ncidence and mortality produced by t he International Agency for Research on C yancer (IARC) show as lung cancer rema ins the leading cause of cancer death, wi th an estimated 1.8 million deaths (18%) in 2020.

The LungLife Screening Program aims at individuals who have the highest risk for lung cancer such as: (i) people b etween the age group of 50 and 80 years(ii) asy mptomatic (no signs or symp toms of lun g cancer), (iii) individuals with a significa cant history of smoking a nd (iv) people with family history of lu ng cancers.

Early screening through low-dose com puted tomography (LDCT) can aid in e a rly detection and significantly impro ve survival rates. Yet approximately 8 0% of high risk individuals have never disc ussed screening with their health c are providers. It is vital to enhance comuni nication and awareness around l ung ca ncer screening to enable early d iagnosis and save lives, especially among high-ri sk population.

Mr Harshad, Director – Group Oncolog y & International, Apollo Hospitals said, “It is a privilege to introduce the Lung-Life Screening Program, a pioneering in itiative that marks a significant mrrilest one in Apollo Cancer Centre’s journey o f advancing oncology care in India. This program is a testament to our unwaver ing commitment to equipping individu als with the resources and knowledge to actively protect their health and embrac e a life of possibilities. Through this initi ative, Apollo Cancer Centres remains st eadfast in its mission to elevate the stan dards of cancer care and awareness in In dia, inspiring nationwide action and coll aboration in the fight against lung cance r.”

Dr Sridhar Ravichandran, Consultant Pu lmonologist, Apollo Proton Cancer Cen tre, said, “Lung cancer remains o ne of th e deadliest cancers globally, b ut early d etection notably enhances survival chan ces. Through our Lung-L ife Screening Pr ogram, we aim to iden tify high-risk indi viduals early, using a dvanced low-dose CT technology, whic h minimizes radiati on exposure while maximizing diagnosti c precision. This program is particularly impactful for individuals with a history of smoking, passive smoking exposure, or a family history of lung cancer. By det ecting lu ng cancer at a treatable stage, wem power patients with better treatm ent outcomes and build a renewed hope F or a healthier future.”

Dr PB. Vandana, Pulmonary Medicine – Apollo Specialty Hospitals, Vanagaram , said, “The introduction of Apollo Cance r Centre’s Lung-Life Screening Program marks a pivotal step in addressing the al arming rise of lung cancer in Ind ia. With this comprehensive screening program, we focus on early-stage detection, whe re the chances of effective treatment an d recovery are exponentially higher. The program leverages state-of-the-art low-dose CT scans, ensuring accurate diagno ses while prioritizing patient safety. Tog ether, we are not j ust treating cancer bu t transforming lives through timely inter ventions and holistic care tailored to ind ividual needs.”

Dr Jebin Roger S, Consultant – Pulmono logist, Apollo Cancer Centre, Teynampe t, said, “Lung cancer is a silent threat, oft en detected only when it has advanced, thereby, making early detection acritica l intervention. With the launch of the Lu ng-Life Screening Program, Apolo Cance r Centre is revolutionizing the approaca ch to lung cancer care. This program co mbines precision diagnostics with patie nt-focused care to detect it early,  signifi cantly improving survival rates. Our initi ative demonstrates that proactive healt hcare can save lives, of fering patients t he best chance for recovery and  reinfo rcing our commitme nt to redefining exc ellence in cancer treatment.”

Apollo Cancer Centres remains steadfa st in its mission to elevate the standar ds of cancer care and awareness in India.W ith the introduction of the Lung Life Scr eening Program, ACCs hopes to i nspire nationwide action and collabo ration in the fight against lung cancer.


About Apollo Cancer Centre – https://apollocancercentres.com/


Cancer care today means 360-degree c omprehensive care, which requires com mitment, expertise, and an indomita ble spirit from cancer specialists.

Apollo Cancer Centre has a network ac ross India with over 390 oncologists to oversee the delivery of high-end precis ion Oncology Therapy. Our oncologists deliver world-class cancer care follow ing an organ-based practice under com petent Cancer Management Teams. Thi s helps us in delivering exemplary treat ment to the patient in an environment that has consistently delivered an inter national standard of clinical out comes.

Today, people from 147 countries come to India for cancer treatment at Apollo Cancer Centres. With the first Pencil B eam Proton Therapy Centre in South A sia & Middle East, Apollo Cancer Centr re, has all that is needed to strengthen the battle against cancer.