There are 101 million people diagnosed with diabetes
*Annual Eye Screening Must for Diabeti cs to Save Eyesight: Dr Agarwals Eye Ho spital*
• Dr Agarwals Eye Hospital, Chennai to provide free consultations for diabetic patients who are 50 years or above till the month end.
*Chennai, 14 November 2024* : “There are 101 million people diagnosed with d iabetes and 136 million people diagnose sed with prediabetes in India.
Around 10% of individuals (approx. 1 i n 10) with diabetes will develop some for m of diabetic eye disease post 10 years of their diagnosis or even earlier. This ca n lead to severe vision loss or e ven blind ness. However, a vast portion of diabeti cs population do not go for eye checkup s because there is not enough awarness that diabetes could affec t eyes as much as it does heart or kidn ey. Also, diabetic retinopathy can rema in free of sympto ms initially” said *Dr. Manoj Khatri, Clin ical Lead and Head, Department of Vitre o-Retina, Dr Agar wals Eye Hospital, Ch ennai.*
“Regular screening and early detection of the risks of this disorder can help cro res of Indians either to prevent or mana ge diabetes. Type 2 diabetes can even be prevented, or its onset can be del ayed with a few lifestyle changes and healthy eating. Keeping blood sugar, blood pres sure, and cholesterol in cont rol; reduu cing weight, having good food d, regular exercise, and leading a stre ss-free life c an go a long way in diabet ic patients pr reserving vision” added *Dr. Manoj Kha tri.*
*In view of the theme of “Breaking Barr iers, Bridging Gaps” of the World Diab etes Day, 2024, which falls on Novemb er 14, Dr Agarwals Eye Hospital is orgn anizing a two-week long free ophthlam ic consultation in the city for diabetic p atients who are 50 years or above, fr om November 14. The hospital offers consu lting services also to people of all age gr oups by charging only 50% of the fee. Fo r Registration: 95949 24048*
In a media statement, *Dr. Manoj Khatr i* said that diabetic retinopathy leads to abnormal growth of blood vessels in the eyes, and affects the vision by causing i nternal swelling/bleeding, blockinng of f luids, damaging retina and optic nerves, and even displacing retina. Diabetic reti nopathy can be diagnosed thr ough a co mprehensive eye examinatio n of retina and macula. Treatment of diabetic retin opathy includes laser surg ery to seal lea king blood vessels, injec tion of medicat ions into the eyes to dec rease inflamma tion as well as certain abnormal growth factors, and surgical procedure to remo ve and replace the g el-like fluid in the b ack of the eye to re pair a retinal detach ment or vitreous hemorrhage.