SIMS Hospital observed World Plastic Surgery Day

SIMS Hospital observed World Plastic Surgery Day

SIMS Hospital Marks World Plastic Sur gery Day with Focus on Skin Donation 


Chennai, July 24th, 2024 : SIMS Hospita l observed World Plastic Surgery Day starting from July 15th with a week-lo ng series of events aimed at raising aw areness about the field of plastic surg ery and its role in patient care.


The annual observance typically inclu des free consultations and surgical pro cedures for patients, continuing med ical education programs for physician s, and surgical workshops for junior pl astic surgeons. Renowned plastic surg eon Prof. Dr. G. Karthikeyan delivered a guest lecture and was bestowed with a lifetime achievement award, and co mpetitions such as quizzes, poster pre sentations, and short film contests are held for healthcare professionals.


This year, SIMS Hospital expanded its focus to include skin donation awaren ess. The hospital conducted a quiz com petition for doctors and nurses, award ing prizes in three categories. A poster competition also took place, with thre e winners selected. Two short film co mpetitions were held: one for SIMS Ho spital staff (with ten teams participati ing and four prizes awarded) and anot her for plastic surgery postgraduates (with six teams and two prizes). ICAPS Team Dr. K Sridhar- Founder, Dr. R Kri shnamoorthy – Director and the whole team promoted skin donation awaren ess.


The week culminated in a valedictory function presided over by Vice Preside nt Dr. Raju Sivasamy, Medical Superin tendent Dr. Sangeetha, Chief Operatin g Officer Mr. Suraj, and other hospital staff were in attendance. Actor/ Direct or Ramesh kanna graced the occasion and felicitated the winners.