Vastu Vedic Research foundation (Vastu Vedic Trust)

Vastu Vedic Research foundation (Vastu Vedic Trust)

Vastu Vedic Trust’s One-day Seminar on ‘Aesthetic Heritage Held in Chennal.

Dr K. Dakshinamoorthy Sthapati, an emi nent traditional architect, conducts the seminar attended by over a hundred stu dents and professionals from a wide ran ge of fields, from architecture to archae ology.

Chennai, July 13 2024

A one-day seminar on Aesthetic Heritag e organised by Vastu Vedic Trust, has att racted the participation of over a hund red students and professionals from a w ide range of fields from architecture to a rchaeology The event was held today at Kalakshetra Foundation, Thiruvanmiyur Chennai.

Dr T Salhyainoorthy former director of Kerala Archaeology and AS and @mem ber af the State Heritage Committee of the HRSCE Department Government of Tamil Nadu was the Guest of Honou and Dr. K. Dakshinamoorthy Sthapati an emi nent traditional architect Sthapall of the State Heritage Committee Department of HRACE and Managing Trustee of Vas tu Vedic Trust, was the key resource per son of the seminar.

In his comments Dr. Dakshinamoorthy S thapati, sald that aesthetics was the cor nerstone of India’s rich contributions to many forms of arts and science.

The sem inar was organised to promote the aest hetic values of the science and art of In dian architecture and sculpture it focu sed on Indian traditional aesthet ics in a ncient architecture and sculplur es for th e benefit of practitioners stude nts, and research scholars belonging to architec ture, sculpture, archaeology Kamaticm usic, dance and linguistics.

Vastu Vedic Trust was founded by Or V Ganapati Sthapati a recipient of Padma Bhushan and a legendary traditional ar chitect. He was the former principal of Government College of Architecture a nd Sculpture, architect of Poompuhar Art Galleries and architect and sculptor of Chennai Valluvar Kottam and Kanya kumari Valluvar stone statue.

Established in 1992, Vastu Vedic Trust strives for the promotion of traditional architecture and sculpture to the global level. It is working to introduce a PG Di ploma Course in Indian Heritage Scienc e and establish a Museum for Indian Ar chitecture as well as a memorial for San ka Kala Silpi Mayan.