Subramaniapuram Tamil Movie Review

Subramaniapuram Tamil Movie Review


Jai  , Sasikumar  , Samuthirakani  , Swathi  , Ganja Karuppu , Maari  , Vichithran  , K. G. Mohan  , Supergood Subr amani  , Kaajal Pasupathi  and others.


Directed-  Sasikumar , Written –  Sasikumar , Producer –  Sasikumar ,  Cinematography – S. R. Kathir , Editer – Raja Mohammad , Music – James Vasanthan , Production company – Company Productions , Running time  – 145 min utes , Country –  India  Tamilnadu   ,  15 Years Back Budget –  ₹65 lakh  2008 Box office –  ₹30 crore , P R O – Nikkil Murugan and others.


Subramaniapuram is a 2008 Indian Tamil-language period action film produced, written, and directed by Sasiku mar. The low-budget film received critical acclaim for its original script, expert direction, screenplay, editing, fr esh music, accurate sets and costumes to resurrect Madurai from the 1980s. Sasikumar cast then relatively new actors Jai, Swathi, Ganja Karuppu and himself in pivotal roles. Shot in 85 days, it became one of the biggest com mercial successes of the year. The movie was dubbed into Malayalam under the same name, into Telugu as An an thapuram 1980, and remade in Kannada in 2012 as Prem Adda. Director Anurag Kashyap had revealed twice th at this film was the inspiration for his Gangs of Wasseypur series – once in 2010 and once on the 10th anniversa ry of this film. It also marked Swati Reddy’s Tamil film debut.


The story takes place in the Subramaniapuram ar ea of Madurai city. A convict is released from prison in 2008 after serving 28 years, and an unknown person sta bs the convict right outside the prison gates. The police are baffled at this, as the convict had never spoken to anyone inside the prison and refused to meet anyone coming to visit him from the outside during his time in prison. They are shocked that someone who had a grudge against him for 28 years would stab him when he stepped outside the prison. A flashback to 1980 narra tes the events that led to the stabbing.Past: Azhagar, Paraman, Kaasi, Dopa, and Dumka, a polio-stricken, physic ally challenged person, are part of a set of unemployed close friends. They pass their time drinking liquor and fo oling around on the streets opposite the house of an ex-councillor, Somu, and his brother, Kanugu.

Apart from th em, the family consists of Somu’s wife and their three children, including Thulasi and Thulasi’s ot her uncle.The fi ve friends, particularly Paraman and Azhagu, often end up in prison due to frequent fighting. Co ps get a call fro m someone complaining about their friends each time they do something wrong. Every time pol ice arrest them, Kanugu and Somu bail them out immediately. In the meantime, Azhagu and Thulasi develop mu tual  feelings for each other. Paraman is against his friend developing feelings for a girl, and Azhagu, not heeding his friends’ thoughts, throws up quite a few funny scenes.There are signs of things to come when a local temple’s c ommittee does not select Somu for a function. Things suddenly turn for the worst when Somu fails to get peop le to elect him for his party’s (Tamil Nadu’s ruling party at the time) district chief post, and his wife ridicules him for being jobless.

Kanugu locks himself up in a lodge and drinks all day. He makes sure his friends hear about him and come to visit. He requests that they murder the person chosen for the district chief of party post ahead of his br other. Azhagu, Paraman, and Kaasi hatch a plan and execute the person almost perfectly. They run away after t he murder, leavi ng a cycle behind.The second half begins with the cops discovering that Paraman and Azhagu h ave committed th e murder with the help of the cycle they left behind. They surrender themselves to the court, hoping Kanagu will bail them out soon.  But they come in for a rude shock when they learn through Kaasi that Somu has been selecte d for the district ch ief of party post and is avoiding their contact. They confront reality and stay helpless in jail, w here they befr iend a fellow inmate. He learns about their situation and bails them out.The same friend who aid ed these guys expe cts a favour from them — to kill his brother-in-law for murdering his sister.

Accomplishing this task, these guys now look out for killing Kanugu, who cheated them. In the meantime, Thulasi and Azhagu continue to meet. Ka nugu’s men almost kill Azhagar. The friends strike back, killing those men later in the day. A few days later, they hurt Thulasi’s uncle to kill Kanugu. To save his life from the clutches of these bu ddies, Kanugu sets a trap for Az hagar using Thulasi as bait and kills him using his henchmen. Paraman avenges h is friend’s death by decapitating Kanugu and laying his head at his friend’s murder site. Paraman then calls to Ka si and reveals how he killed Kan ugu, during which he sees Somu’s henchmen rushing behind Kasi. Kasi betrays P araman and leaves him at the me  rcy of the henchmen who kill him.Present: In the hospital, Kasi was the victim of a stabbing outside the prison walls. He lies in the hospital in critical condition, with a policeman interrogating him. The doctor intervenes and asks him to leave, after which Dumka comes in and reveals that it was Dopa who stabbed him. He then proceeds to remove his air supply and kills him after reminding him of his betrayal.

Watch The Trailor-;

Movie Review-;

After 15 Years Re Release Movie Subramaniapuram 

Watching this movie yesterday one scene that is still lingering in my heart is when the hero Jai dies being betray ed by his own lover. The execution of the scene is fabulous and brings a sorrowful shock in the face of the audien ce. The movie is about the life of 5 friends who lived in harmony but fate writes a cruel story on them. Two frien ds Azhagar(Jai) and Paraman(Sasi) are jobless, reckless and fearless setting the streets of Madurai on fire. The fil m starts with a mysterious murder in 2008 and immediately shifts to 1980 in Madurai. Azhagar and Thulas i(Swa thi) fall in love with each other but Thulasi’s Uncle and Father utilize the innocence of Azhagar and Paraman for t heir own political gains. They end up behind the bars in jail for performing a murder but there is no one to save th em. A co-prisoner helps them to get bail but later wants them to reciprocate by another murder. This leads to a series of murders and they swear to avenge the heroine’s family for their plight. Unfortunately.

Thulasi falls prey to the sly words of his uncle and betrays her own lover who gets murdered. Paraman avenges f or his friend’s murder by stabbing Thulasi’s uncle and owes to kill her entire family. But sadly he also gets assass inated due to a disloyal act by Kasi(Ganja Karuppu) who is one among the 5 friends. He too gets his punishment in the climax. The eighties is only used as a crowd puller and only glimpses of real components of the eighties are good otherwise it is very flat. The music is very good though not outstanding but it fuses well with the movie. Th e hero Jai’s speech doesn’t seem like the real Madurai slang. The movie fails to rise above a certain level but cert ainly gives a different flavor and color than the usual banal tamil movies. I would rate this movie 3.4 out of 5 on a high scoring day. The movie begins with somebody being released from the Madurai Jail sometime in 2008, only to be almost immediately stabbed in the stomach just after taking a few steps to freedom.

What follows is a recounting of the incidents that took place at Subramaniapuram in 1980, 28 yrs ago. The story deals with Azhgar (played by Jai of ‘Chennai 600028’ fame), Paraman (Sasikumar, a debutante), and their 2 good for nothing friends who pretty much do nothing but while away their time performing odd tasks for their politic al mentor, ex-councillor Somu and his brother, Kanagu. All the while Azhagar has an infatuation with Tulasi (play ed by Swathi, a Telugu TV anchor) which is reciprocated by the girl also.The first half of the movie almost exclusiv ely deals with developing two stories in parallel – the budding love story between Azhagar and Tulasi which inv olves both of them stealing glances at each other without actually speaking to each other with a beautiful song ‘Kangal Irandal’ thrown in. And the other angle deals with how these 4 guys get pulled into various fights, squab bles as a result of Somu’s and Kanagu’s political ambitions.

How Kanagu uses the opportunities that present themselves to him to use these 4 guys as a pawn is subtly but surely developed well in the first half of the movie.What starts off with Azhagar and Paraman trying to help So mu by killing a political rival, ends up being the start to a long list of crimes that these guys get around to comm itting. The guys realize that they had just been used as pawns by Kanagu to fulfill his brother’s political ambitio ns, when they are left high and dry in jail after the first murder. They befriend a fellow inmate who bails them o ut, in return for another murder that they have to commit.The fact that your crimes always return to haunt you is aptly portrayed in the scene where Azhagar is caught unawares without any weapons with a group of guys who want revenge for one of these murders he committed. Although the 4 guys are seething for revenge for what Ka nagu did to them, what follows in the last 15 minutes of the movie is something that I will not reveal here as it pr etty much kills the enthusiasm to actually see the movie itself.

In any case, this movie has the usual memorable characters – the polio afflicted friend, the good for nothing her o, the sweet but sensible heroine, the one friend who is always the scapegoat when it comes to paying for booze, the friend who doesn’t quite approve of the hero’s love, the slimy villain who uses people to make his ends m eet, all of these characters are present. However, what makes this movie watchable is the fact that these chara cters are so clearly written which etches them in the audiences’ mind.Plus the fact that the director of the movie has s et this movie in the 80s, peppering almost each and every scene with props, settings from that decade in such a manner that the audience has absolutely no way of pointing out any anomalies in this particular aspect of the m ovie. The Art Director, Cinematographer and the Director need a special mention for the entire look and feel of t his lovely 80s aspect of the movie. This would have to be one of my most memorable Tamil movies of 2008.

This IS MY Personal Review So Please Go And Watch The Movie In Theaters Only

Written By- T.H.PRASAD -B4U-Ratting – 5 / 5