D ‘ D Returns Tamil Movie Review

D ‘ D Returns Tamil Movie Review


Santhanam, Surabhi, Redin Kingsley, Maran, Pradeep Rawat, Masoom Shankar, Fesi Vijayan, Motta Rajendran, M unishkanth, Dheena, Bipin, Thanga Durai, , Deepa, Saidai Sethu, Manasi and others .


Directed by : S. Prem Anand , Production : RK Entertainment , Produced by : C. Ramesh Kumar , DOP : Dipak , Ku mar Padhy , Music : ofRo , Editor : N. B. Srikanth , Trailer Editor : Barath Vikraman , Art : A.R Mohan , Stunt : Hari , Dinesh  , Choreography : Sandy , VFX : R. Harihara Suthan (Lorven Studios) , Sound Mix : RajaKrishan , Sound , De sign : Sync cinema , Publicity Design : Dinesh Ashok , Executive Producers : P. Kishore Kumar, S. Bharath , PRO : N ikkil Murukan , Costume Designer : Jasmine Joseph , Still : Raj , Audio Label : Think Music etc.



DD Returns is a classic horror comedy film. Making us laugh is the success of the film. Get up to 40% off on water purifiers and save 20K liters of water every year In the very first scene, they show the dangerous game of runnin g away if you don’t want to win. Those who fail in that game are brutally murdered. But the villagers kill the famil y that runs this dangerous sport. Those people haunt the bungalow where they were. They introduce an event m anager Sathish (Shandanam) who tries to save his girlfriend (Surabi) who is in trouble. Satish arranges a huge am ount to save his girlfriend. But it is later revealed that it was stolen money from the dreaded business tycoon. Du e to what happens after that, Satish and his team go to the haunted bungalow. They are forced to play a dangero us game by the demons present there. The story revolves around whether Sathish and his girlfriend get caught in a dangerous game and escape from the demons.

Watch The Trailor-;

Movie Review-;

DD Returns is a story written with one ghost, two or three groups, a dangerous game i.e. if you win a prize, if you lose it means death. Director Prem Anand has thought that comedy should be more than the story. A Dada in Pu ducherry, Phepsivijayan’s large sums are coming to Santhanam from different hands. It is hidden in a haunted bu ngalow, where they play a dangerous game of death if they lose. That too with ghosts. Did they win it? That is the story. Since the previous two films had the flaw of no comedy, Santhanam is crawling as a full-fledged comedy he ro like this is what you asked for. 

Several scenes, including one where he drags and throws a desk drawer into a haunted bungalow, establish his u niqueness. Santhanam does them very naturally and makes us happy. Surabi, who plays the heroine, comes and goes in songs and some scenes. Her presence as a beautiful woman in a place where there are many men is com forting. Maran, Sethu, Munishkanth, I am God Rajendran, Bipin, Deena, Kingsley, Pradeep Rawat, Febsi Vijayan all make us laugh. It was unexpected that Pradeepravath and Phepsivijayan, who were threatening as villains, w ould make us laugh so much.

Deepak Kumarpathi’s cinematography also reveals that this is a comedy film. Some of his angles are laughable.  T here is a special mouse for ghost films in Tamil cinema. Moreover, if any ghost movie has become a hit among the fans, then the next parts of that movie are released and attract the fans. Especially movies including Kanchana P alace have been released in three or four parts and all those movies are attracting a large number of fans. The se cond part of this film was released, the horror film Dilluku Tutu, which was released by actor Santhanam, was a c omedy-horror movie that was also successful in its collection alone. 

 In this case, the third part of this film has been released with the title DD Returns. In this film, a family has a habi t of killing gambling losers in the Pondicherry area. At one point, all the villagers kill the family together. After th at, the hero Santhanam and Co., who are currently living in Pondicherry, face many problems and live in the haun ted bungalow where the family lived for a reason. This DD returns is the Atiri Putiri comedy gala that takes place there after that. Santhanam knows his limit well and has given it back. He carries the film in his own style. Especi ally the current web series.,.

Um, don’t you tell me, uncle? He does not leave anything behind and pushes everything. Along with this, actors li ke Maran, Redin Kingsley, Muneez Kanth, Mottai Rajendran and many other comedy stars are strongly recom m ended for this film. Every scene is intense. This movie will be a great weekend movie for belly laughs with the ki ds. The first 40 minutes of the film are in a state of confusion as to where the story is going. After that, the film p icks up, especially after going to the bungalow where they hit the booty and it’s a belly-aching laugh. As far as th e story goes in the first half, it can be said that it is a little rough.

The second half.. is going very briskly  which is the reason for the success of the film.    Rohit Abraham has realize d that background music is important not only for ghost movies but also for funny movies.Director Prem Anand manages to keep laughs with dialogues reminiscent of famous video games, current affairs, leading actors like Aj ith and politicians, keeping a thin plot. It is welcome that there are no double entenders anywhere. DD Returns is what a horror-comedy should be. Many characters are introduced in the first 20 minutes. Director Prem Anand has charmed us and made us laugh if we think this film will also test.

The director keeps everyone laughing till the end. The second half goes at a terrific pace. There are four levels in the win or run game. Each level has a different task. It’s all laughable. Santhanam is carrying the film on his shoul ders. He makes the audience laugh with his one-liners. Surabi, Redin Kingsley, Pradeep Rawat, Munishkanth, Mo ta Rajendran and others have played their roles well. Their performance cannot be faulted. Kathi Nagara Nagara Masoom Shankar’s character becomes important. He has acted well. Apart from the first few minutes, the entire film has only one laugh .  

This IS MY Personal Review So Please Go And Watch The Movie In Theaters Only

Written By- T.H.PRASAD -B4U-Ratting – 3 /5