Good Night Tamil Movie Review

Good Night Tamil Movie Review




Banner – Million Dollar Studios *MRP Entertainment , Producer – Nazerath Pasilian* Magesh Raj Pasilia n*Yuvar aj anesan , Writer, Director – Vinayak Chandrasekaran , Music – Sean Roldan , DOP – Jayanth Sethu Mathavan , E dit – Barath Vikraman , Art – Srikanth Gopal , Creative Producer – SP Shakthivel , Executive Producer – Harish Du rairaj ,Lyrics – Mohan Rajan , Sound Design & Sound Mix – T Udaykumar , DI – Promoworks , VFX – Anandharaj, C M Arrun , Costume Designs – Eega Praveen, Pradeepa , Production Controller – R.Nagarajan , Production Manag er – R K ,  Sethu , Publicity Designs – Gautham J , Additional Designs – Vignesh Selvam , Publicity Stills – Benu Nan tha  , PRO – Yuvraaj , Audio Label – Think Music and others.


Mohan (Manikandan) is an IT employee who has a severe snoring problem. His family consists of his mother, sist er Maha (Rachel Rebecca), brother-in-law Ramesh (Ramesh Tilak) and his younger sister and mother. Meanwhi le, Anu (Meetha Raghunath) finds herself unlucky and depressed about life. Her landlords are a lovely couple (Da da and Padi) who want the best for Anu. When a depressed Mohan meets Anu, light shines in his life. However, t here is a problem. A big problem. What happens when his snoring problems affect his married life and ultima tely the relationships in his life?Good night starts with Mohan’s snoring. While watching the film, you get used to the sound and start laughing every time you hear it. Mohan has already lost a girl he was attracted to because of sno ring. He is cautious, but this is a problem beyond his control. All his life he has suffered shame and shame for it. H owever, all these problems are solved by well-written comic scenes that will leave you in splits.

Be it Mohan’s antics, his caring nature or his relationship with Anu, every scene brings a smile to your face. In the first half director Vinayak Chandrasekaran’s screenplay is very convincing that it will not end. You smile, you fall in love with Mohan and Anu as they do with each other and wish only the best for them. Until snoring. The secon d half of Good Night begins when snoring physically affects Anu. The fights between the couple, the strain and pr oblems in their relationship are all shown believably. Good Night is about relationships. Anu and Mohan may be at the center of the relationship, but Maha-Ramesh and Datta-Pathi equally make the film. These two couples sh ow what an equal partnership can look like. They question patriarchy and set relationship goals.Manikandan is awesome as Mohan. He makes you fall in love when he is funny and cute.

He angers you when he directs his emotions to his partner Anu. Similarly, Meetha, as the reclusive Anu who carr ies a childhood trauma, is wonderful in the film. Ramesh Tilak and Raichal prove why they are seasoned perform ers as they portray the characters of a couple scrutinized for their childlessness. The performances by Koisalya Natarajan and Balaji Sakthivel will remind you of your grandparents.Good Night falters when it takes a TV-serial approach in the second half. The play gets melodramatic and the characters lack tangible redemption. However, the film is full of humor and emotion.Shaun Roldan’s music and Jayant Sethu Madhavan’s cinematography suppo rt the tone of the film.Good Night is a feel-good movie that has its heart in the right place. With a convincing scre enplay and brilliant performances, this is a film to treasure.

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Movie Review-;

Tamil cinema has begun to break the image that movies that turn the moments we pass through in our daily life i nto great works of art are only available in Malayalam. The film Goodnight is a testimony to that. According to th e story of the film, the hero Manikandan has a habit of snoring. Unbeknownst to him, his snoring was so loud that it could be heard far beyond his house. The screenplay of the film revolves around the problems and solutions th at arise in his internal/external life due to that snoring sound. Director Vinayak Chandrasekaran has kept us ente rtained for two and a half hours with an ordinary problem that we face everyday.Manikandan, a man from a mid dle-class family, has a problem – none other than snoring loudly while sleeping. What problems did he face in his work and love life due to his snoring that made even the neighbors scream..?

\It is a small story that can be written for Dinapalan Saisuke whether he was able to recover from it.Vedam, whic h is not more than a meter, has become “Kupidu Manikandanai…”. Kumbakarna was born to such an extent that t he sound of his snoring while naming the title was ear-splitting, and even after waking up from it, he would take another nap at the dining table without brushing his teeth.Fall asleep – but pretending to sleep is a huge task. W hen Manikandan sleeps in every scene, that performance makes us believe that he is actually sleeping.Manikan dan is intimidating in his performance, forgetting the truth so fiercely that he takes his own problems and falls o n the next person at one point. At some point we get angry with him.Similarly, Meetha Raghunath is the heroine.

That innocent face you saw in the movie “First Nee Nayee” is not soon forgotten. But his face and husky voice a re perfect for his character in this film.He is afraid of being called a ‘lucky guy’ from birth and stays away from an ything, he is also afraid of Manikandan’s love. He is afraid to even say that he wants this and that he doesn’t want this and magnifies his problems for a long time.Similarly, Rachel Rebekah who plays Manikandan’s older sister an d Ramesh Thilak who plays her husband, Uma Ramachandran who plays Manikandan’s mother.The director has portrayed the middle class joint family on screen. His characterization is amazing for every one of them. That is what brings us together in this film.Not only actors and actresses but also a small puppy becoming a character an d the emotions it shows are also amazing.

The plight of Rebekah, who is despised by every relative because of her childlessness, and the scene where Ra m esh Tilak explodes when the child is lost is wonderful.The only solace for Meetha Raghunath is director Balaji Sa kthivel and Kausalya Natarajan, who plays his wife, are heavy roles that she cannot get through easily.Bux, who plays the manager of the IT company where Manikandan works, is memorable even though he comes in a sm all character. When Manikandan, who keeps his composure, gives him a slap on the forehead at one point, there are vibrations in the arena.The ability of the director to combine serious scenes and comedy scenes in any place and in any way and in any way to make us all taste is amazing.

The story seems to end like this, but at one point, when we think there is no turning point, we can’t help but lau gh when the cars and the characters traveling in the auto make a ‘U’ turn and undergo countless twists and tur ns.Shawn Roldan’s music contributes to the understanding of the story and so does Jayant Sethumadavan’s sce nic cinematography.If a small line can be scripted and directed in such an enjoyable manner, if a good story is ta ken in hand, there is a lot of possibility that director Vinayak Chandrasekaran will become one of the first line di rectors.Hats off to him for keeping us so engaged that not even a single person in the theater could spot it, even though the film was full of snoring.Good Night – Good Luck..!

This IS MY Personal Review So Please Go And Watch The Movie In Theaters Only

Written By- T.H.PRASAD -B4U-Ratting – 2.5/5