Carbon Tamil Movie Review

Carbon Tamil Movie Review


Vidaarth , Dhanya B , Marimuthu , Munar Ramesh , Vinod Sagar , Ajay Natraj , Vikram Jagadish , ‘Pichaikaran’ Murthy  and others .


Writer & Director : R. Srinuvasan ,Banner : BENCHMARK FILMS ,  Producer : A.Bhagyalakshmi, M.Anandhajothi & R. Srinuvasan ,  DOP : Vivekanand Santhosham ,  Music : Sam , CS Editor : Praveen K L , Stunt : Kanal Kannan  , Art Director : Jayachandran ,  Choreographer : Viji Sathish , Production Manager : Subburayalu  , Stills : Jerry, Suresh, Avinash , Singers : Haricharan, Sathyaprakash, Chinmayi ,  Lyricist : Arun Bharathi , Thamizhanangu , Sound Mixing : Tharanipathi* Cosmos Entertainment , Dubbing Sound Engineer : Raja ,PAL studio Special Effects : C. Sethu , DI & VFX : Knack Studio , Colorist : K.S.Rajasekaran ,

Design : Shabeer ,PRO : Suresh Chandra, Rekha D’One Promotions : CTC media boys Executive Producer: Arun Prajeeth Creative Producer : G.K. Anandavarshan Direction Team : Co-Directors : Jayachandra Vijaya Baskar, Chinnaya Ponnusamy Associate Directors : Rajesh kannan, Bharathi selvan , A.R.Venkadahalam, D.Nagarajan, Francis Assistant Directors : Sathish Manoharan, Hariharan.J, Venkat Umadevi DOP Team : Assistant Camera man : Ashwin Noel, Venkatesh Rajendran Focus Puller : Manohar DIT: Vasanth, Karthikeyan, Vijay Sankar Assistant Editor : Manimaran, Prasanna Costume Designer : Sarangapani, Costumer Team : Jani Durgarao, Balu Make up Team : K.Chandru (Hero), Madhu, Mohan, Sridhar Audio Label: Think Music and Others .



Shankar is the son of Subburayan, a garbage truck driver. Shankar often gets dreams that hint him the upcoming incidents. Once, he gets a dream that shows him that he would meet an accident. It happened, and hence Shan kar started believing his dreams. Later, he gets a dream that his father involves in an accident. That too happens, and he finds no money for further treatment. So, he decides to get a time loop with which he could find the per son who made that accident to get money from him for his father’s treatment. Will that happen? The rest of the film follows this.Vidharth did his best. His expressions and body language are good. It is good to know that it is his 25th film. Marimuthu has got a solid role, and he excelled in it. Dhanya is not given a usual heroine role, and she also has some worthy part to play.

Watch The Trailor-;

Movie Review-;

R Srinuvasan, the director, establishes an excellent idea right away. We already know shankar will have one sc enario that would cause him problems. But first, the director creates a compelling relationship between shankar and his dad, Subburayan (Marimuthu, who gets to portray an endearing role for once). For some reason, the you ng guy is not on talking terms with his widowed father, and their sole means of communication is through whats app voice messages. We get a sense of their connection in a few scenes. There is profound affection and respect beneath the superficial squabble. Subburayan offers cash to his jobless son, which is a nice touchDirector Srinuv asan’s ‘Carbon’ is a refreshingly fresh investigative thriller that keeps you hooked from start to finish, thanks to an innovative plot that has some really interesting twists right till the very end.The film’s story revolves around Shankar (Vidaarth), a wannabe policeman who ends up taking up a job in a private firm because of a quarrel with his dad (played by Marimuthu).Shankar has a strange gift. He often has dreams and more importantly, his dreams come true. 

One night, the man dreams of his dad being hit by a black SUV. The nightmare leaves him shaken. He wakes up breaking into a sweat and frantically begins to search for his dad only to realise that he has had an accident just as he had dreamed. Shankar rushes his unconscious dad to the hospital, where doctors tell him that it’s imperati ve that they perform a surgery that is going to cost him a fortune.  Director Srinuvasan, while narrating a thrilling entertainer, also actually highlights a fact that Tamil cinema has often chosen to misinterpret. It looks to set the record straight with regard to dad-son relationships and highlights that for every son his dad is a hero. And that invariably, sons love their dads as much as their mothers, if not more.Some of the dialogues in the film are deep and hit the nail on the head. For instance, there is this scene in which the heroine asks the hero, “Sons are supp osed to be close to their mothers. You seem to be different.” To this, the hero replies, “When a man’s mother pas ses away, her place is filled by his wife. But when a man’s dad passes away, that place remains vacant.

Which is why sons miss dads a lot more than their mothers. The position that dads hold in a son’s life is special.”   The only way out for Shankar will be to find the person responsible for the accident and claim the insurance am ount.The plot begins when shankar has a dream about his dad, a garbage truck driver, being involved in a collisi on. He tries to halt it, but, as in the first scene, he is powerless to do so. Subburayan finds up in the hospital, and shankar requires a large sum of money to get him treated. And the only way he can get it is if he uses his dreams to try to figure out who the hit-and-run driver is. On the advice of a kind hospital employee, he tries to relive his day in order to get the dream that will reveal who the enigmatic figure is. With the cops not making any serious effort to find the driver of the vehicle, Shankar realises he will have to carry out the investigation himself. It is at this point that one night, sitting beside his dad’s bed, he dozes off out of sheer exhaustion.

That’s when he has a dream in which he sees the SUV that caused the accident. The door of the SUV opens and just as the driver is to get out, Shankar is woken up by the woman who cleans the hospital ward. In the desperate hope that the same dream could reappear if he did all the tasks that he did that particular day, Shankar attempts a repeat the next day.Things don’t work out initially and the dream does not appear. Waiting for the dream to re cur, Shankar, with the help of his sharp sense of observation, realises that it was not just a hit-and-run case; it w as actually an attempt to murder his dad. Who would want to murder his dad and why would they want to do it? Do es Shankar find out the criminal? And does he save his dad? ‘Carbon’ gives you the answers. The film is a gripp ing thriller and full marks to director Srinuvasan for having told the story in a neat and compact manner. Half of the credit for the film being tight and gripping should go to editor K.L. Praveen for his brilliant cuts. There are absolutely no unnecessary scenes and the story moves at a blistering pace, right from the word ‘go’.

Within the first 10 minutes of the film, the director showcases the strong bond of love between the father and son, who despite not being on talking terms with each other, deeply care about one another. And within the sa me period, he also explains everything about Shankar’s dreams and their tendency to come true. Sam CS’s back ground score provides ample support to the director who is looking to narrate a gripping thriller. His score captu res the mood and amplifies it, making sure the audience has no trouble in understanding the emotion the direc tor is looking to convey.Vidhaarth as Shankar is just outstanding in the film, which incidentally happens to be his 25th. He plays the part to perfection and wins your heart hands down.Carbon, directed by R Srinuvasan, is a ti me-loop film in some senses. As in other films of the type, the hero is forced to relive a specific day again and ov er again. But then then, this isn’t exactly a time-travel movie. In this case, the hero must consciously replicate the same day in order to attain his goal.

But, unlike in time-travel movies, believing in this premise requires a leap of faith. For some, it may be as sign ificant as the one shankar accepts after the hospital laborer’s recommendation. But, thanks to some good wri ting, the director manages to persuade us to believe it. Dhanya B, who appears in the film just before the inter mission, is perfect for the role and delivers a commendable performance. The reason why the second half is as intense as the first is primarily because of Dhanya’s characterisation and contribution.Maarimuthu as Vidh aar th’s dad delivers a commendable performance. The care and concern that he showcases while appearing to be strict to his son is just so adorable.

However, on the flip side, despite discovering the identify of the driver and the purpose for the attempted murder, the police operate in a sloppy manner that stands out. Even the ‘romance’ par ts, as well as Shankar’s final decision, might have been written better. This is why the movie only feels watchable, despite the fact that it had the capacity to be genuinely fantastic. It is not as if the film has no problems. There ar e some lapses in logic towards the end of the film. Also, the manner in which cops are showcased in the film de nts the realism somewhat. But these are small lapses which can be forgiven.On the whole, ‘Carbon’ is a good, neat, sleek investigative thriller that is definitely worth your time.

This IS MY Personal Review So Please Go And Watch The Movie In Theaters Only

Written By- T.H.PRASAD -B4U-Ratting-3 .5 /5