22 April 2021 Chennai Motor Car Expedition ‘Atmanirbhar Yatra’ to Commemorate

22 April 2021 Chennai Motor Car Expedition ‘Atmanirbhar Yatra’ to Commemorate

the Golden Jubilee of Naval Dockyard, Visakhapatnam

 The Motor Car Expedition of ‘Atma Nirbhar Yatra’ team was flagged off from Indian Naval Station(INS) Adyar, by Flag Officer Commanding Tamil Nadu and Puducherry Naval Area (FOTNA). ‘Atma nirbhar Yatra’ Team was in Chennai between 19-20 Apr 2021, part of the Third Leg on its expedition commemorating 50 years of glorious service of Naval Dockyard, Visakhapatnam as a Boat Repair Shop since 1972.

Among various commemorative events planned during the Golden Jubilee year, a Motor Car Expedition ‘Atma nirbhar Yatra’ started on 30th March 2021, to cover a total distance of about 5,000 kms in over 19-20 days. First leg covered from Visakhapatnam to Pune, the second leg from Pune to Kochi and the last leg which would cover the journey from Kochi back to Visakhapatnam has been flagged off from Kochi.

Naval Dockyard, Visakhapatnam would be commemorating 50 years of glorious service since its inception as a Boat Repair Shop in 1972. The golden jubilee year is being celebrated in a manner benefitting the contributions of this yard to the nation and to promote the motto of ‘Self Reliance – Atma nirbhar’ in all our endeavors which has been a hallmark of our success. The expedition aims at showing the contribution of our mighty yard in nati onal service and interact with various industries and organizations of eminence in self-reliance located at Hyd erabad, Pune, Karwar, Kochi, Coimbatore, Bangalore, and Chennai. It also aims towards sharing rich expe rience of these organizations and explore avenues for partnering with the dockyard in expanding our indigenization efforts.

The team in Chennai had a rendezvous with M/s Nagman Consortium a company that deals with Calibration of Instruments and M/s Polyhose which had the expertise of manufacturing hoses which can be used in different environments.The healthy interaction with the team members of the Naval Dockyard gave way for upcoming prospects to venture in the field of Naval Engineering thereby benefitting the Ships and Submarines of the Indi an Navy.

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