18th Edition of the Chennai International Film Festival has been rescheduled

18th Edition of the Chennai International Film Festival has been rescheduled

The Chennai International Film Festival to be held from February 18th t0 25th, 2021 instead of December 2020


Festival Greetings

We, Indo Cine Appreciation Foundation, organizers of Chennai International Film Festival supported by the Government of Tamil Nadu, express our sincere thanks and gratitude once again for the kind support extended by all the print and electronic media giving good coverage about our earlier International Film Festivals.
We wish to inform that due to the pandemic we have rescheduled our 18th Edition of our Chennai International Film Festival to 18-25 February 2021 instead of December 2020.

As usual, we will have the following sections in the festival.

1. World Cinema
2. Tamil Feature Film Competition
3. Indian Panorama
4. Retrospective
5. Country Focus

Further details will be furnished in due course.

We thank you once again for your kind, continued valuable support.

Kind Regards,
E Thangaraj,
General Secretary – Indo Cine Appreciation Foundation , Festival Director – Chennai International Film Festival